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    Title: 股東會決議瑕疵之效力探討 ──以董事選舉為例
    The Effect of the Defects of the Resolutions of the Shareholders` Meeting ─ ─ Take the Election of Directors as an Example
    Authors: 陳彥銘
    Chen, Yan-Ming
    Contributors: 方嘉麟
    Chen, Yan-Ming
    Keywords: 股東會決議瑕疵效力
    The validity of the resolutions of the shareholders meeting
    The rescission of the resolutions of the shareholders meeting
    The invalidity of the resolutions of the shareholders meeting
    The election of directors
    The procedural defects
    The substantive defects
    The Tatung case in 2017
    The procedural irregularity
    The substantive of the defects
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 15:42:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   股東會決議瑕疵之效力在我國法下分為「不成立」、「得撤銷」以及「無效」。「不成立」乃我國學說及實務所創設,並未見於法文;而後兩者則分別規定於公司法189條及191條。「不成立」主要係指法定成立要件之欠缺,效力上自始無效;「得撤銷」則係指股東會決議過程中發生程序瑕疵,而依有權利之人是否於30日內提起訴訟(公司法189條)以及違反之事實非屬重大且於決議無影響(公司法189-1條)而決定該決議之效力最終為有效或是得撤銷;最後,則是「無效」,係指決議內容違反法令或章程等實體瑕疵所導致之無效。
      The validity of the defective resolutions of the shareholders meeting is divided into "Unestablished", "Rescission" and "Invalid" under Taiwan’s Company Law. "Unestablished" is created by Taiwan’s scholarship and judicial practice, but doesn’t defined by law; the latter two are stipulated explicitly in Articles 189 and 191 of the Company Law respectively. "Un established" mainly refers to the lack of statutory establishment requirements, which are invalid from the beginning; " Rescission" refers to the procedural flaw in the resolution of the shareholders meeting, and it depends on whether the person with the right initiates a lawsuit within 30 days (Article 189) and the fact that the violation is not material and has no impact on the resolution (Article 189-1) determines whether the resolution is ultimately valid or can be rescission: at last, it is "Invalid", which means that the content of the resolution violates the law or company charters.
      The types of defects are divided into procedural defects and defects of content, and applying the former to the effect of unestablished or rescission, and the latter to the effect of invalidity is the general statement of Taiwan’s scholarship and judicial practice. However, in judging whether a disputed defect should be classified as a procedural or content defect, there is room for ambiguity in the judgment standard. In some cases, a disputed defect can be considered to be rescission and invalid at the same time: however rescission is possible to transform into effective, and invalidity is ineffectiveness ab initio. The legal effects of the two are very different, and this leads to the possibility of misuse. This study believes that the fundamental way to handling the problem most essentially should be from the perspective of "substantial" to reconstruct the system of validity of the defective resolutions of the shareholders meeting in Taiwan’s Company Law.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107651012
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100743
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