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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > Department of MIS > Theses >  Item 140.119/136342
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    Title: 從免費到付費:影響YouTube使用者加入YouTube付費頻道會員之關鍵因素探討
    From Free to Freemium:Explore the Key Factors for YouTube Users to Purchase YouTube Channel Membership
    Authors: 林久益
    Lin, Chiu-Yi
    Contributors: 洪為璽
    Hung, Wei-Hsi
    Lin, Chiu-Yi
    Keywords: YouTube頻道會員
    YouTube Channel Membership
    Freemium Business Model
    Expectation Confirmation Model
    Theory of Planned Behavior
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 14:47:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   隨著網路科技的發展與行動裝置及個人電腦的普及,YouTube已成為全球最多人使用的影音社群平台之一。YouTube頻道會員制度是維持多年免費的YouTube平台推出的一項僅有付費才能享有的服務,但現今消費者逐漸有意願付費支持自己喜歡的影音創作者,因此,本研究想找出究竟哪些因素會影響當前YouTube使用者購買頻道會員的意願,並驗證影響持續觀看意圖的關鍵因素是否會影響使用者採用免費增值商業模式(如:應用程式、遊戲等)。
      本研究透過網路問卷的形式進行資料蒐集,共回收670份問卷,其中579份為有效問卷,並採用SmartPLS 3進行資料分析。分析結果發現:第一,有6個因素具有顯著影響使用者購買YouTube頻道會員之意圖,分別是感知有用性、YouTuber可信度、替代品吸引力、使用者對於購買虛擬商品的態度、使用者過往購買虛擬商品的經驗、購買頻道會員後得到的相對優勢。第二,使用者的持續觀看相同YouTube頻道之意圖被使用者的觀看影片後得到的滿意度、對YouTuber態度、替代品吸引力影響,然而YouTuber可信度與持續觀看意圖並無顯著相關性。第三,影片滿意度會受到使用者對於該影片的感知有用性及感知享樂性正向顯著影響。上述結果可作為與YouTube相似背景主題的研究參考依據,並為經營頻道會員制的YouTuber提供有效的指標。
      With the development of Internet technology and the fact that mobile devices and personal computers are widely spreading, YouTube has become one of the most popular video community platforms in the world. YouTube Channel Membership is the Paid-to-Use features on YouTube. Spectators nowadays are willing to support their beloved video creators or Internet celebrities by donating or spending money. This research aims to find out the key factors that induce current YouTube users’ willingness to purchase YouTube Channel Membership and verify whether the key factors that affect continuous watching intention correspond to so called “Freemium Business Model”.
      The result shows that 6 factors affect users’ purchase channel membership intention, which are users’ perceived usefulness toward the free videos, YouTuber’s trustworthiness, alternative channel/video attractiveness, attitude toward buying virtual goods, purchasing-virtual-goods experience, and the relative advantage after buying channel membership. The analysis also reveals that users’ continuous watching intention is influenced by satisfaction toward free videos, attitude toward the YouTuber, and alternative channel/video attractiveness whereas the effect between continuous watching intention and YouTuber’s trustworthiness is not supported. Satisfaction toward free videos is positively associated with users’ perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment toward the free video. The above results can be used as suggestions for research on topics related to YouTube, and provide effective indicators for YouTubers who are providing Channel Membership option.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108356011
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101033
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