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    题名: 所得稅優化新制對家族企業與非家族企業股利政策影響之研究:以台灣電子產業為例
    作者: 陳萱瑾
    Chen, Hsuan-Chin
    贡献者: 梁嘉紋
    Liang, Jia-Wen
    Chen, Hsuan-Chin
    关键词: 稅制改革
    Tax reform
    Dividend policy
    Family firms
    Electronic industry
    Deviation between control and cash flow rights
    Core agency issue
    Cash flow rights
    日期: 2021
    上传时间: 2021-08-04 14:32:42 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 2018年所得稅優化政策實施有助於降低股東稅負壓力,以及降低企業保留資金之壓力,本研究乃探討此所得稅優化政策之實施對企業股利政策之影響。有鑑於電子產業及家族企業為台灣經濟發展扮演重要角色,因此本研究以2015年至2019年台灣電子產業之上市櫃公司為樣本,並進一步區分為家族與非家族企業進行迴歸分析。實證結果發現電子產業整體之總股利及現金股利發放率未顯著增加,但其中家族企業之總股利發放率顯著增加,顯示電子產業整體而言未受稅改影響,仍傾向將盈餘保留,作為投資研發創新用之資金的現象,但其中家族企業在內部股東稅負壓力下降後,較有誘因增加公司股利的發放。此外,電子產業之控制股東盈餘股份比偏離程度越大者,總股利及現金股利發放率越低,且於非家族企業中的迴歸結果達顯著,顯示電子產業之核心代理問題會使公司減少股利發放。另一方面,電子產業之控制股東現金流量權越大者,總股利及現金股利發放率越高,且於家族企業中的迴歸結果亦達顯著,顯示控制股東現金流量權越大之家族企業,為降低控制股東個人財富風險,於稅改後其增加股利發放之動機越高。
    The implementation of the 2018 income tax optimization policy helps reduce the tax burden on shareholders and the pressure on firms to retain capital. This study examines the impact of the tax reform on corporate dividend policy. In view of the important role of the electronic industry and family firms in Taiwan, this study uses a sample of listed companies in the electronic industry in Taiwan from 2015 to 2019 and examine whether the impact of the tax reform differs between family and non-family. The results of the study show that after the tax reform, the dividend payout ratio of the electronic firms do not increase in general, but the total dividend payout ratio of family electronic firms increases significantly, suggesting that electronic firms in general are not affected by the tax reform and tend to retain their earnings for future investment in R&D and innovation, yet family firms have stronger incentives to increase dividend payout due to the decreased tax burden of family shareholders. The evidence also shows that electronic firms with higher deviation between ultimate owners’ control rights and cash flow rights have lower total dividend and cash dividend payout ratios, particularly for non-family firms. The results suggest that the core agency problem leads to reduce dividend payout. On the other hand, electronic firms with higher cash flow rights have higher total dividend and cash dividend payout ratios and this is more evident for family firms. The results suggest that when controlling owners hold more cash flow rights, they have greater incentives to increase dividend payout in order to grasp the benefit of reduced tax burden and diversify their personal wealth risk.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108353101
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101078
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