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    Title: 公共電視平台戲劇節目觀眾接收分析:「專家」與「素人」觀點
    The Audience Reception Analysis of Drama Programs on Taiwan PTS : A Comparison Study of Experts and Novices
    Authors: 楊寶儀
    Yang, Bao-Yi
    Contributors: 鄭自隆
    Zheng, Zi-Long
    Yang, Bao-Yi
    Keywords: 接收分析
    Receive analysis
    social reality
    TV drama
    content analysis
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-07-01 22:08:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2019年,兩部台灣社會寫實電視劇在台劇市場中引發了輿論的熱潮,橫掃多個獎項,這兩部電視劇是分別來自公共電視台《我們與惡的距離》和中華電視公司的《俗女養成記》,一部嚴肅一部詼諧,不同風格的兩部電視劇,均成為社會討論熱點。
    研究結果發現 —
    1. 專家關注信息特徵的穩健性,重視社會未來的發展走向。
    2. 專家肯定演員對積極情緒作出表達。
    3. 專家關注角色正面形象的討論,素人則關注角色負面形象,並以主觀意見評論。
    4. 素人在乎角色情緒穩定性人格,專家則關注角色友善性與開放性。
    5. 素人和專家均對「孩子」及「媒體」議題感興趣。
    In 2019, two social realism drama caused the boom of public opinion in the Taiwan market, across multiple awards, the two TV series is from public television station " Our Distance from Evil " and " The Making of An Ordinary Woman " of Chinese television company, a serious a witty, different styles of two series, have become a hot social discussion.

    This study makes a difference discussion from the analysis of audience reception, and discusses the views of experts and novices on the TV series "Our Distance from Evil" and " The Making of An Ordinary Woman " respectively. The research adopts content analysis. From the perspective of "experts", the content published by big media, newspapers and magazines is selected as the analysis of communication content, while from the perspective of "novice", the content is analyzed by the comments of ordinary viewers on the official social platform of Facebook.

    Findings of the study -
    1. Experts pay attention to the robustness of information characteristics and the future development trend of society.
    2. Experts agree that actors express positive emotions.
    3. Experts pay attention to the discussion of the positive images of the characters, while novices pay attention to the negative images of the characters and make subjective comments.
    4. Novices care about the emotional stability of the characters, while experts care about the friendliness and openness of the characters.
    5. Both novices and experts are interested in "children" and "media" issues.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464066
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100470
    Appears in Collections:[傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程] 學位論文

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