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    Title: 形塑Tinder女同志:由數位認同到自我認同
    Constructing Lesbians with Tinder : From Digital Imaginary to Self Identity
    Authors: 郭乃禎
    Kuo, Nai-Chen
    Contributors: 劉慧雯
    Kuo, Nai-Chen
    Keywords: Tinder
    swipe logic
    technology of the self
    digital imaginary
    subject construction
    gender discourse
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-07-01 22:04:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在異性戀主流的社會中,同志群體常「不被看見」。網路則提供同志追求身分實踐的場域。然而對於台灣女同志,T 婆/不分的性別腳本,儼然成為圈內的文化知識體系。即使在網路社群,T婆範疇也掌握了穩固的媒介社交與情慾互動的權力(胡郁盈,2018)。相對於此,Ferris & Duguay(2020)則發現女同志在交友軟體Tinder上所展現的自我,有機會動搖僵化的認同分類。
    本研究於是想提出另類的「分法」,是在Tinder的數位認同(digital imaginary)(Ferris & Duguay, 2020)中看見的「女同志」。Tinder可以作為一種自我的技術(technology of the self)(Foucault, 1997),讓台灣女同志用戶於其中形塑出不同的性別主體。同時,這樣另類的認同也在用戶與Tinder社群的互動機制中,形成一個有效運作的治理體系。研究將其命名為「Tinder女同志」。
    研究以網路民族誌進行參與觀察和深度訪談,從女同志使用Tinder的經驗,發現用戶可以在Tinder右滑邏輯(swipe logic)(David & Cambre, 2016)的結構中,形成「Tinder女同志」認同。右滑邏輯可分成三個層次:(1)介面強調的認識體系;(2)女同志用戶的交友策略;(3)Tinder社群的價值回饋。研究認為在T婆論述外,用戶能在Tinder場域,形塑人與技術物共構的「Tinder女同志」認同。
    In a heteronormative society, LGBT(tongzhi)are often invisible. For LGBT, Internet can provide fields to practice their identities. However, when it comes to lesbians in Taiwan(nutongzhi), there should be three categories of “T”, “Po”, “bufen”, referring to knowledge of gender and sexuality. Even in online communities, these categories dominate lesbians’ identity formation and social interaction. Compared to it, the dating app, Tinder, gives lesbian users ways of expressing themselves to destabilize rigid identity categories.
    The study proposes alternative identity categories, discovered from the “digital imaginary” within Tinder. As the technology of the self, Tinder lets lesbian users construct a distinct gender subject, which I called “Tinder nutongzhi”, in its community and mechanism. Additionally, the specific identity discourse can be a system toward governmentality.
    Combining participant observations in online ethnography and deep interviews, the study delineates the “swipe logic”, constructing Tinder nutongzhi, from the experiences of lesbian users in Taiwan. The swipe logic contains three layers:(1) the profile system highlighted by the interface, (2) the strategies to match lesbians, (3) the value mechanism configured in the Tinder community. Through the construction, the study demonstrates how lesbian users becoming “Tinder nutongzhi”, a human–technology identity.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464047
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100499
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