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    Title: 影響蝦皮社群商務意圖之因素與受新冠肺炎之調整
    The moderating role of COVID-19 on the factors influencing social commerce intention on Shopee.
    Authors: 李俐瑩
    Contributors: 洪叔民
    Keywords: 新冠肺炎
    Social network sites
    Social commerce
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-07-01 21:35:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在疫情之下,網路購物更為活絡,消費者在購買零售產品時轉往網路平台作為購物管道。因此各個電商平台為了吸引客戶,折扣優惠變成為他們的主要行銷手法。然而,價格戰在一個產業中並非好的現象,各電商平台皆開始思考該如何經營客戶,希望能真正將客戶留在自家平台上,而非靠低價格吸引到一群毫無黏著度的客戶。
    Under the epidemic situation of COVID‐19, online shopping has become more popular. In order to attract customers, various e-commerce companies use discount strategy. However, price wars are not a good phenomenon in an industry. Many e- commerce companies are beginning to think about how to manage customers, hoping to enhance their stickiness and engagement.
    During COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people are accustomed to using "Shopee" as a shopping channel. The reason why Shopee has become a habit of people is not only discounts but also social community deploying to increase the consumers` usage. Therefore, this study will conduct an in-depth discussion on social commerce intention. And this study can be referred by those who are operating social commerce platform, enhancing the customer`s behavior of information receiving and information giving. After verification, it is found that the three factors of altruistic, interactive and service content quality have a positive and significant impact on the receiving behavior; and the four factors of altruistic, information support, ease of use and hedonic, have a positive and significant effect on giving behavior.
    In addition, I added covid-19 as the moderator in this study. I want to know which factor will be amplified by users under COVID-19, and become the main reason for increasing their intention to use social commerce. The results show that social interaction enhances receiving behavior, while reputation and reciprocity are factors that enhance giving behavior. Based on the above research, social commerce operators can improve users` usage intention by enhancing these factors.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363075
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100620
    Appears in Collections:[MBA Program] Theses

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