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    題名: 三個臺灣經濟史面向的研究:估計、模擬、與模型
    Understanding Taiwan’s Historical Phenomena from Economic Perspectives
    作者: 黃彥豪
    Huang, Yen-Hao
    貢獻者: 毛維凌
    Huang, Yen-Hao
    關鍵詞: 臺灣經濟史
    Taiwan’s Economic History
    Population Trend
    Ethnic Group Segregation
    Metage Currency System
    日期: 2021
    上傳時間: 2021-07-01 20:22:29 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本文的研究主軸,乃是經濟分析方法應用於臺灣經濟史課題。具體而言,本文嘗試以臺灣歷史現象為題材,藉由估計、模擬、與經濟理論模型之經濟分析工具,從而詮釋臺灣經濟史相關主題。本論文的主題包含三部分:人口走勢、族群分離、以及秤量貨幣制度,悉為臺灣經濟史中的重要議題。首先,第一篇為「清治臺灣的人口走勢」,藉由歷史學者對臺灣人口數據的估算,採用Logistic成長模型與Malthus-Condorcet模型的視野分析,檢視清治臺灣人口飽和的關鍵時點。第二篇為「清治臺灣的祖籍族群分離現象」,則是用Schelling(1971)分離模型,藉由電腦程式模擬,探討族群分離的重要因素。第三篇為「秤量貨幣制的經濟模型分析」,乃是用Sargent and Velde(2002)理論模型,評述秤量貨幣制度的貨幣現象。上述重要課題,早已是歷史學者反覆檢視的課題,並獲得相當豐碩的研究成果。例如清治臺灣人口飽和的時點,關鍵的1811年已是學術定論;對於祖籍族群分離現象,也有「械鬥說」、「原鄉論」等歷史立論;而臺灣的秤量貨幣制度,更有北山冨久二郎(1935)之鴻篇巨作。乍看之下,似乎早已無立錐之地。然而,相較於史學家對歷史脈絡的整理與釐清,本文更著重於計量之估計、電腦之模擬、以及經濟理論之應用。是故,本論文撰寫之最大緣起,乃是藉由此上之分析角度,冀望能另闢蹊徑,呈現一個不同的視野。
    This thesis mainly discusses three core issues in Taiwan’s economic history from economic perspectives. This thesis is composed of three parts: population trend, ethnic group segregation, and metage currency system. The first article “Population Trends in Taiwan in Qing Taiwan” adopted the logistic growth model and the Malthus-Condorcet model to examine critical time points of population saturation in the Qing-ruled Taiwan through the estimation of Taiwan’s population data by historians. The second article “The Phenomenon of Ancestral Ethnic Group Segregation in Qing Taiwan” applied Schelling’s (1971) segregation model to investigate important factors in ethnic segregation through computer program simulations. And the third article “Economic Model Analysis of the Metage Currency System” used Sargent and Velde’s (2002) model to describe the monetary phenomenon of the metage currency system.
    Frankly speaking, these three issues have long been repeatedly examined by historians who have already achieved fruitful research results. For example, the time point of population saturation in the Qing-ruled Taiwan, year of 1811 as a critical year have reached academic conclusions among researchers. In addition, historical theories such as “Ethnic Conflict” and “Homeland Habitus” are also available for the phenomenon of ancestral ethnic group segregation. As for the metage currency system in Taiwan, Kitayama Fukujiro (1935) has also written thought-provoking articles on this topic. However, while historians focus on organizing and clarifying historical contexts, the economic approach places a greater emphasis on economic theory application, parameters estimation, and computational simulation. Therefore, this thesis was motivated by the hope of taking a new perspective and presenting a different vision through the analytical view points above.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100497
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