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    Title: 臺灣、美國及中國特殊教育體制之比較
    The Comparison of Special Education in Taiwan, the United States and China
    Authors: 蘇姿綾
    Su, Tzu-Ling
    Contributors: 李沛錞
    Su, Tzu-Ling
    Keywords: 特殊教育
    Special education
    Educational system
    Parental participation
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-06-01 15:02:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨於分析及比較臺灣、美國及中國在特殊教育體制之內涵,其中特別著重在法令、鑑定及家長參與等三大面向,進而透過內容分析方法以比較其差異,輔以深度訪談了解現場教師對於目前臺灣特殊教育體制及十二年課綱實施現況及想法。以他國作借鏡且將現場教師的想法表達出來,盼助於台灣未來特殊教育發展。
    The purpose of monographic study is to investigate the Special Educational System in Taiwan, the United States, and China, emphasizing law, identification, and parental participation. Compare the differences of Educational System by content analysis, besides, interview lecturers and teachers in person as a research method. Realize Taiwanese Special Educational System and the status of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education, having further research on these two educational concepts. Furthermore, take other countries as references and summarize person-to-person interview results to improve Special Education System development in Taiwan.
    The results of the study are the below: In terms of laws and regulations, The United States takes faster action and implements special educational-related laws and regulations than Taiwan and China. These days, the education has gradually reformed from isolated education and returning mainstream to inclusive education. In terms of Identification, In the United States, the appraisers are psychologists and educational diagnosed personnel of Special Children`s Association. The appraisers in China are medical staffs in designated hospitals. However, in Taiwan, the teachers trained with special education concurrently serve as appraisers and school teachers. In this part of Parental Participation, based on the laws in Taiwan, China, and the United States, disability students’ parents have the entitlement to participate in their children’s learning process. From previous studies, there’s a common point state that the issues of disabilities have expanded from individuals to families, even communities. It has begun to focus on the psychological aspects of caregivers. The changes in the structure of family members have become a subject, leading to issues such as new immigrant families and parents.
    Lastly, according to the interview results, the majority of special education teachers acknowledge the conception of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education, such as the relevance of alternative curriculum, emphasising on self-directed learning or closing to life experiences; even so there are still some difficulties in actual implementation such as arranging alternative curriculum difficultly and there is disparity between curriculum goals and students’ abilities.
    Reference: Al-Dababneh, K. A. (2018). Barriers preventing parental involvement in mainstream education of children with specific learning disabilities: parent perspectives. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 33(5), 615-630.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107913019
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100443
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