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Title: | 影響危機下的風險溝通因素之研究:以2012與2018年勞保破產危機議題為例 A Study of Risk Communication under Crisis: Comparing the 2012 and the 2018 Labor Insurance Fund Bankruptcy Crises |
Authors: | 曾鈺勝 Tseng, Yu-Sheng |
Contributors: | 陳敦源 Chen, Don-Yun 曾鈺勝 Tseng, Yu-Sheng |
Keywords: | 風險溝通 勞保破產 風險溝通影響因素 勞保年金 年金改革 Risk communication Labor insurance bankruptcy Risk communication influencing factors Labor insurance pension Pension reform |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-06-01 14:59:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2012年勞保局公布勞保精算報告,結果顯示勞保將在民國107年出現逆差狀況,並在民國116年基金不足以支付勞保老年年金給付。一時之間引發軒然大波,「勞保破產」的消息不脛而走,造成民眾恐慌與不滿,更引發勞保開創以來最大擠兌潮,3個月內被領走1400多億元,也間接促進政府推動年金改革以挽救危機。但在2018年勞保局再度公告精算結果,結果顯示收支逆差時間提前到民國106年,破產時間也提早到了115年。但本次卻未若2012年一般演變成風暴,新聞報導只報導一天,也沒有引發再一次的擠兌潮。為何兩次勞保破產危機議題卻有迥然不同的發展結果?當中政府是如何對外溝通的? 本研究以兩次勞保危機議題為個案,以風險溝通論檢視與比較行政機關的溝通策略與影響因素。研究發現,2012年與2018年相比較,在「政府最高層級」、「立即公開承諾與否」兩點存在有差異;「公關部門角色不明顯」與「行政機關被動回應」這兩點則是相同。而影響影響因素中,外部因素有媒體關心度與屬性、社會關注程度、執政黨選舉壓力與勞工相對剝奪感;內部因素則有本位主義、常任文官責任感與政務官決心與敏感度。最後,研究建議,由於社會大眾已對於勞保破產議題有所熟悉,政務官應當展現決心,應儘速與利害關係人展開溝通,對內打破本位主義的干擾,對外則要注意相對剝奪感的問題,以及與媒體維持良好互動,形成合作夥伴。 In 2012, Bureau of Labor Insurance (BLI) published the Labor insurance finanicial actuarial report, which showed that labor insurance would have a deficit in 2018. The fund would go bankurptcy in 2027. Thus, labor insurance bankruptcy crisis caused huge panic. It triggered the largest bank runs since its establishment. More than $140 billion was claimed in three months. However, in 2018, BLI released the latest actuarial report, which showed that the deficit time and bankruptcy time were advanced to 2017 and to 2026. However, the issue did not turn into another bank runs. The study takes two labor insurance crises as a case study to compare and examine the risk communication strategies and risk communication influencing factors. The study finds that “The highest government level” and “Instant commitment to the public” is the difference. “The unobvious role of public relation sector” and “Passive response of the administractive agency” is the similarity. The influencing fators are divided in external and internal factors. “Media”, “Elections”, “Social concern” and “Relative deprivation” are external factors. “The determination and political sensitivity of administrative officials”, “Responsibility of civil servant” and “Sectionalism” are internal factors. The study suggests that since the public is already familiar with labor insurance bankruptcy crisis, administrative officials should show determination to do the pension reform task and communicate with stakeholders as soon as possible. They also need to break the sectionalism and avoid the relative deprivation. Also, maintaining friendly interaction relationship with the media for corporation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 105921025 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105921025 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100448 |
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