題名: | 以資源保存理論觀點探討工作壓力源與主動行為之關係 Unraveling the Link Between Work-Related Stressors and Proactive Behaviors: A Resource-Conservation Perspective |
作者: | 張詩慧 Zhang, Shi-Hui |
貢獻者: | 胡昌亞 Hu, Chang-Ya 張詩慧 Zhang, Shi-Hui |
關鍵詞: | 資源保存理論 工作相關壓力源 主動行為 工作塑造 COR theory work-related stressors proactive behaviors job-crafting |
日期: | 2021 |
上傳時間: | 2021-06-01 14:51:52 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本研究以資源保存理論(conservation of resource, COR)為理論基礎,探討員工如何通過主動行為來因應工作相關的壓力源。研究一和研究二的主動行為分別為自我發展行為(包括主動學習行為和社交行為),和工作塑造(包括關係工作塑造,和技能工作塑造)。研究一採用紙本問卷,對台灣182名全職員工及其主管進行了兩個時間點的調查。結果發現,低品質領導-成員交換關係會透過獲取資源困難和自我耗竭減損自我發展行為。此結果支持員工會通過資源保存歷程來管理低質量的領導-成員交換關係。此外,結果亦顯示資源威脅與實際資源損失的相對影響沒有顯著差異。承接研究一的發現,研究二結合資源保存理論和挑戰-阻礙壓力模型(challenge-hindrance model of stress),進一步檢驗挑戰性壓力源傾向於激發資源獲取歷程,而阻礙性壓力源傾向於激發資源保存歷程。研究二採用網絡問卷,對中國大陸184名全職員工進行了兩個時間點的調查。結果發現,挑戰性壓力源(工作負荷)會透過資源獲得動機來提升促進導向的工作塑造,但是,結果未能支持資源保存動機中介阻礙性壓力源(人際壓力源)與預防導向工作塑造行為之間關係。本研究的理論與實務意涵於最後提出討論。 Drawing from the conservation of resource (COR) theory, I used two studies to investigate how employee engage in proactive behaviors to respond to work-related stressors. The proactive behaviors include self-development behaviors (active learning and networking behaviors) in study 1 and job crafting behaviors (relational job crafting and skill job crafting) in study 2. For study 1, two waves of data were collected from 182 full-time employees and their supervisors in Taiwan. The results showed that difficulty to access resource and ego depletion mediated the negative relationships between low-quality leader-member exchange (LMX) and self-development behaviors. The results supported the resource-conservation process to manage low-quality LMX. However, I found no significant difference in the relative effects of resource threats versus actual resource losses. In study 2, by integrating COR theory and the challenge-hindrance stress model, I further proposed that challenge stressors tend to evoke resource-acquisition processes, whereas hindrance stressors tend to evoke resource-conservation processes. Two waves of data with 184 samples were collected from full-time employees in China through on-line survey. The results showed that resource acquisition motivation mediated the relationship between challenge stressors (workload) and promotion-oriented crafting behaviors. However, the results failed to support the mediating role of resource conservation in the relationship between hindrance stressors (interpersonal stressors) and prevention-oriented crafting behaviors. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. |
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描述: | 博士 國立政治大學 企業管理學系 105355508 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105355508 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100441 |
顯示於類別: | [企業管理學系] 學位論文
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