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Title: | 不當督導、情感性組織承諾與留任意願關聯之研究-以陸軍戰鬥部隊為例 The Relationship among Abusive Supervision on Affective Organization Commitment, and Intention to Stay: A Case Study of Army Combat Troops |
Authors: | 馮健祥 Feng, Jian-Xiang |
Contributors: | 甯方璽 董祥開 馮健祥 Feng, Jian-Xiang |
Keywords: | 不當督導 情感性組織承諾 留任意願 Abusive supervision Affective organization commitment Intention to stay |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-04-01 11:26:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自2018年募兵制全面推行之後,為使志願役人員持續、穩定服役並能達到長任久用,逐漸成為當前招募與留營政策的主要目標。戰鬥部隊在遂行繁重演訓任務之際,同時面臨單位主官不當督導行為,是否因此影響部屬的留任意願,殊值得進一步探究。 本研究探討不當督導、情感性組織承諾與部屬留任意願之間的關聯,並探究情感性組織承諾是否具有中介效果;抽樣調查方式採用立意抽樣方式,研究對象為中部地區陸軍某聯兵旅之戰鬥部隊所屬人員,總共發出問卷450份,回收374份有效問卷,運用統計分析軟體SPSS及AMOS,實施多元階層迴歸分析檢驗假設。 本研究發現,主官對部屬的不當督導行為越嚴重,部屬的情感性組織承諾及留任意願越低;部屬的情感性組織承諾越高,能提升其留任意願;且情感性組織承諾能中介不當督導與留任意願之間的關係,具有完全中介的效果。 本研究最後依據實證分析的結果,提出後續研究方向建議,以及提供陸軍教育訓練課程規劃修訂,與部隊實務工作執行之參考運用。 Ever since the complete implementation of the voluntary recruitment system in 2018, it has become the main goal of the current recruitment and retention program to ensure the volunteers would serve continuously and stably as to achieve long-term tenure. Despite the heavy training missions that are carried out by the combat troops, the supervisions applied by the unit chief can be improper at times. Whether this effects the subordinates` intention to stay is worthy of further investigation. This study explores the relationship between the intention to stay for affective organization commitment that had been under abusive supervision, and explores whether affective organizational commitment has an intermediary effect. The intentional sampling method had been adopted as the sampling survey method, with the research object to be a member of the combat troops of a joint brigade of the Central Army. A total of 450 questionnaires were sent out, and 374 were returned. By using statistical analysis software SPSS and AMOS, the hierarchical multiple regression analysis was implemented to test the hypotheses. This study found that the more severe the chief official’s abusive supervision to the subordinates, the lower the subordinate’s affective organization commitment and intention to stay. Then again, higher affective organization commitment amongst the subordinates would have a positive effect on their intention to stay. Also, the study found that the affective organization commitment is able to mediate the relationship between abusive supervision and the intention to stay, to the degree of fully intermediary effect. At the end, based on the results of empirical analysis, this research raised recommendations for follow-up research directions, and provided guidance for the Army’s education and training curriculum planning revisions, and the practical application for the implementation into the army’s work. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 108921320 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921320 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100393 |
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