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Title: | 家長式領導行為、團隊互動與團隊效能之關聯性─ 以空軍某軍事院校二專班為例 The Relationship between Paternalistic Leadership, Intra-team Interaction and Group Performance at Two Years Vocational Military Cadets in Air Force |
Authors: | 黃孝華 Huang, Hsiao-Hua |
Contributors: | 傅凱若 Fu, Kai-Jo 黃孝華 Huang, Hsiao-Hua |
Keywords: | 家長式領導行為 團隊學生互動 團隊效能 Paternalistic Leadership Behavior Student Interaction Team Effectiveness |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-04-01 11:24:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 現今軍事院校之教育訓練過程已非過往印象中如此強硬、嚴苛與集權,以軍事院校之領導職務而言,因為時空因素及大環境的改變,使得軍事院校基礎教育班隊中,隊職官在其角色上之定位、任務之賦予及功能相較於過往之方式,已有明顯程度上的差異。基此,本研究旨在探討「家長式領導行為、團隊互動與團隊效能之關聯性」,透過問卷調查法,以空軍某軍事院校二專班作為本研究之對象,共發出811份問卷,回收739份,有效問卷共737份,其中隊職幹部有42份,學生有695份,有效回收率為90.8%,並使用SPSS統計套裝軟體加以探討「家長式領導行為」之「威權領導、德行領導與仁慈領導」、「團隊學生互動」與「團隊效能」之間的關係。 研究結果彙整如后:學生不同的背景變項對「家長式領導行為」與「團隊學生互動」有顯著影響,而隊職官對「團隊效能」無顯著影響。「家長式領導」行為與「團隊學生互動」有顯著正相關,而「威權領導」與「團隊互動」具有負向且顯著性相關,「仁慈領導」與「德行領導」對學生互動有良好的影響。「家長式領導」行為對「團隊效能」是有顯著負相關,其中威權領導較對團隊效能產生正向影響。「團隊學生互動」在「家長式領導行為」與「團隊效能」中具有完全中介效果,且「團隊學生互動」在「威權、仁慈與德行領導」與「團隊效能」中亦具有部分效果,其中威權領導對團隊效能影響最大。根據研究結果,本研究分別對學生與隊職官提出具體建議。首先針對學生之建議:(1)學生須多充實自我與技能,並發揮本身之強項。(2)保持樂觀、正面的態度,讓工作更有效率。(3)不論位處何種環境,都需要有著良好之人際關係,營造良好之環境與氛圍。接著對隊職官之建議:(1)計畫性培育人才,並給予學生發揮之機會。(2)強化家長式領導,以增強團隊效能。(3)提高部隊之滿意度,以激勵方式鼓勵學生,並多給予學生讚美,期提高部隊之滿意度,創造更好之效能表現。 The current military education and training process is no longer as tough, demanding, and centralized as in the past. In terms of leadership positions in military academies, due to changes in time and space. Squadron officers` roles, assignments, and functions are significantly different from those in the past. Based on this, this research aims to explore the "relevance of paternalistic leadership behavior, team interaction and team effectiveness". A total of 811 questionnaires were distributed and 737 valid questionnaires were returned, with an effective recovery rate of 90.8%. The collected questionnaires were analysed via SPSS to obtain the relationship between "authoritarian leadership, moral leadership and benevolent leadership", "student interaction" and "team effectiveness" in "paternalistic leadership behavior". The following are results: Students’ different background variables have a significant impact on “parental leadership behavior” and “student interaction”, while Squadron officials have no significant impact on “team effectiveness”. "Paternalistic leadership" behavior has a significant positive correlation with "student interaction", while "authoritarian leadership" and "team interaction" have a negative and significant correlation. "Benevolent leadership" and "ethical leadership" have a positive influence on student interaction. The behavior of "parental leadership" has a significant negative correlation with "team effectiveness", and authoritarian leadership has a positive impact on team effectiveness. "Student interaction" has a complete intermediary effect in "parental leadership behavior" and "team effectiveness", and "team student interaction", also has partial effects in "authoritarian, benevolent and ethical leadership" and "team effectiveness", among which authoritarian Leadership has the greatest impact on team effectiveness. In accordance with the research results, this research puts forward specific suggestions for students and Cadres. First of all, suggestions for students: (1) Students must enrich themselves and express their skills and own strengths. (2) Maintain an optimistic and positive attitude to make work more efficient. (3) No matter what environment you are in, you need to have good interpersonal relationships and create a good environment and atmosphere. Then the suggestions for Cadres: (1) Cultivate talents in a planned way and give students opportunities to demonstrate themselves. (2) Strengthen parental leadership to enhance team effectiveness. (3) Improve the satisfaction of the troops, encourage students in a way of motivation, and give them more compliments. It is our hope to increase the satisfaction of the troops and create better effectiveness. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 108921315 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921315 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100397 |
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