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    Title: 網站使用者行為分析—以國立政治大學學術集成平台為例
    Analysis of Website User Behavior: A Case Study of National Chengchi University Academic Hub
    Authors: 張思洋
    Zhang, Si-Yang
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih-Ming
    Zhang, Si-Yang
    Keywords: 機構典藏
    Institutional repository
    Academic Hub
    Scholar Hub
    User behavior analysis
    Exploratory data analysis
    Lag sequence analysis
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-04-01 11:21:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 傳統的機構典藏平台存在內容建置較為局限、功能單一,以及不具作者視角的問題,致使其學術傳播效益受限。學者庫或學術集成平台為彌補機構典藏上述問題所轉型而成的新型平台。考慮到促進學術交流的發展趨勢,國立政治大學于2016年將原始的機構典藏系统改寫,將其發展為學術集成平台,使其建置內容具有更廣泛之研究者資訊、提供多元及視覺化功能,以及以作者視角呈現研究者資訊。為了解國立政治大學學術集成平台的使用情況,本研究針對此一平台之使用者操作歷程記錄進行分析,以評估其是否達到預期的學術傳播目的。
    The traditional institutional repository has the problems of relatively limited content establishment,single function, and lack of the author`s perspective, which limits its academic dissemination efficiency.The Scholar Hub or Academic Hub is a new type of platform developed to compensate for the above-mentioned problems in the institutional repository.Considering the development trend of promoting academic dissemination,National Chengchi University redesigned the original institutional repository system in 2016 and developed it into an Academic Hub,which provides with a wider range of researcher information, multiple and visual functions, and presenting researcher information from the author’s perspective. In order to find out the usage situation of the National Chengchi University Academic Hub, this research analyzed the users’ operation history of the Academic Hub to evaluate whether it achieves the expected academic dissemination purpose or not.
    In this research, xAPI was used to record the users’ operation behaviors from the National Chengchi University Academic Hub,and the recording time was ranged from November 23,2020 to December 14,2020,a total of 21 days. A total of 19,019 users’ behavioral records were collected.First of all,all the collected data were analyzed to find out the characteristics of overall users.Then,the IP of users were regarded as a classification standard to examine the differences in the behavior characteristics of users among different regions by chi-square test of independence.Next,according to the average number of the downloaded papers,the users were divided into two groups: high and low groups,to explore the user behavior characteristics and user behavior transfer mode based on lag sequential analysis .
    The analytical results show that the two most commonly used behaviors of the whole users were researchers related and papers related behaviors.The users in Taiwan were the main users of the National Chengchi University Academic Hub.And users in the National Chengchi University paid much more attention to researchers’ information,and paid less attention to information about browsing,searching,and downloading papers. However,users in other regions paid much more attention to the information related to browsing,searching,and downloading papers,and paid less attention to the information related to researchers.Through the lag sequential analysis of the two group users who downloaded papers that are higher and lower than the average number of papers downloaded,some deficiencies in the website design and system functions of the National Chengchi University Academic Hub were found.Finally,based on the research results, this study proposes several suggestions for the optimization of the National Chengchi University Academic Hub,as well as draws several research directions that can be further investigated in the future.
    Overall,this research used users’ behavior analysis scheme to understand the behavior characteristics and behavior transfer patterns of users in general,users in different regions,and users with high or low download times,which will contribute to understanding how users operate the National Chengchi University Academic Hub and how to optimize the National Chengchi University Academic Hub.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107155024
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100412
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