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    Title: WHO與台灣CDC在新冠肺炎公關稿之主題框架及風險訊息差異之研究
    The Difference of News Releases between WHO and Taiwan’s CDC on Issues Frames and Risks during the COVID-19 Crisis
    Authors: 許悅
    Yue, Hsu
    Contributors: 陳憶寧
    Hsu Yue
    Keywords: 新冠肺炎
    News releases
    Risk communication
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 15:00:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以2019年底爆發全球大流行的傳染病-新型冠狀肺炎為案例,分析台灣衛福部疾病管制署以及世界衛生組織有關新冠肺炎的公關稿,探討兩者如何呈現新冠肺炎的疫病情形、防疫政策等相關訊息,以及兩方如何表現中國在此事件中扮演的角色並比較不同之處。本研究旨在探討在新興傳染病的風險事件中,不同的國家與組織在同一健康議題的內容陳述和訊息提供上,是否會有所不同,研究主要以框架及風險訊息取徑,進行內容分析。
    本研究選擇新冠肺炎爆發2019年12月31日至2020年6月7日作為分析期間,共搜集421則公關稿,CDC有356則、WHO有65則。研究結果發現:1. 新冠肺炎公關稿以行動框架和情境框架為主,CDC以行動框架的公關稿最多,WHO則為情境框架的比例最高。2. 新冠肺炎公關稿訊息脈絡會因組織目的不同而有差異,台灣CDC以風險訊息為主,而WHO以預防訊息為主。3. 台灣CDC新冠肺炎公關稿風險因子乘載量較WHO高。4. CDC與WHO新冠肺炎公關稿中的中國立場與角色明顯不同,
    This study takes the COVID-19, an infectious disease that broke out in the global pandemic at the end of 2019, as a case, analyzes the news releases of Taiwan Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization during the COVID-19 Crisis, and explores how the two present the epidemic situation and prevention Policies and other related information, as well as how the two parties expressed China`s character in this incident and compared the differences. This research aims to explore whether different countries and organizations have different content statements and information provided on the same health topic in the risk events of emerging infectious diseases. The research mainly uses framing theory and risk communication to analyze content.
    This study selected the outbreak of COVID-19 from December 31, 2019, to June 7, 2020, as the analysis period. A total of 421 news releases were collected, including 356 from the CDC and 65 from the WHO. The results of the study found that: 1. COVID-19 news releases are mainly based on the framing of action and framing of situation. CDC has the most news releases based on the framing of action, and WHO has the highest proportion of framing of situation. 2. The message line of the COVID-19 news releases will depend on the organization`s purpose. Taiwan`s CDC focuses on risk messages, while WHO focuses on prevention messages. 3. Taiwan`s CDC COVID-19 news releases have a higher risk factor load than WHO. 4. The position and character of China in the CDC and WHO`s news releases are different. When CDC presents China information, it mainly uses crisis information or risk information that is likely to cause negative emotions among readers. On the contrary, WHO focuses on prevention information. Positive words or sentences to state information about China`s situation, but also to affirm and encourage China`s epidemic prevention efforts.
    Finally, it is recommended that Taiwan`s CDC add more knowledge about the pathology of the disease in the COVID-19 news so that the audience can understand the etiology and principles of infection, and explain the proper terms; and the WHO recommends more information on risk factors, including the situation of the epidemic around the world, where the epidemic is heading, and the way the new virus is infected so that audiences around the world can understand the risks and take further preventive measures to achieve the purpose of common defense.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464009
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100348
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