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    Title: 以TPE結合UTAUT2及HBM評估使用健康智慧手環之關鍵因素
    Critical Factors of Adopting Smart Health Bracelet: The Perspectives of TPE, UTAUT2 and HBM
    Authors: 劉育誠
    Liu, Yu-Cheng
    Contributors: 洪叔民
    Horng, Shwu-Min
    Liu, Yu-Cheng
    Keywords: 智慧手環
    Smart Bracelet
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:57:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要欲探討現代人在使用健康智慧手環的關鍵使用因素,因此使用了延伸整合型科技接受模型(UTAUT2)、科技-個人-環境模型(TPE)以及健康信念模型(HBM)這三個模型組合成本研究的研究模型。本人之所以要用此種模型是因感到近來使用者在購買產品時其實還會受到許多的個人背景、科技背景、環境背景的影響,故將TPE結合入本研究模型中;使用UTAUT2則是因為UTAUT2相較於UTAUT以及TAM的解釋力更高;而HBM則是因本次希望進行健康智慧手環相關的研究,且該模型在醫學方面已有多年被使用的經驗,諸多研究皆以此模型為基礎進行研究,且同樣有考慮使用者在科技背景、個人背景、環境背景以及同樣也有考慮干擾變數的影響,故與TPE及UTAUT2結合,最終本研究則以TPE結合UTAUT2及HBM作為研究模型。

    This study explores the critical factors while adopting Smart Bracelet. Therefore, this study integral Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2), Technological-Personal-Environmental (TPE) Framework and Health Belief Model (HBM) to build the research model. The reason of using this model is that when purchasing products, the users are affected by technological framework, personal framework, and environmental framework. Therefore, this study combines TPE to the research model, using UTAUT2 to obtain a higher explanatory power. Further, as many studies used HBM in medicine for many years, this study combines technological framework, personal framework, environmental framework, and the influence of interference variables. Therefore, HBM can be combined with TPE and UTAUT2. Overall, this research uses TPE combined with UTAUT2 and HBM as the research model.

    This study interviewed four relatives, an information academic expert, and an industry expert. The questionnaire is adopted from the interviews, TPE model and various aspects of UTAUT2 and HBM. A total of 505 questionnaires were collected through online questionnaires; the invalid questionnaires were removed and used as the basis of statistics. Afterwards, statistical analysis was carried out using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). Finally, this research suggests the way to increase the sales of the smart bracelet based on the significant data.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363007
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100249
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