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    Title: 運用人臉辨識技術於歷史照片之分析
    Application of Deep Face Recognition Techniques to the Analysis of Historical Photos
    Authors: 林琬儒
    Lin, Wan-Ju
    Contributors: 廖文宏
    Lin, Wan-Ju
    Keywords: 人臉偵測
    Face detection
    Face recognition
    Deep learning
    Historical photos
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:55:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國內外文史單位,蒐集歷史老照片並致力於檔案數位化,然而這些照片尚有許多資訊內容,例如人、事、時、地、物,須當事人或其家屬、親友等,協助辨識確認。相關人士或旅居海外,或年事已高,因此需要建置友善操作介面的網站,讓這些目擊歷史事件的耆老們提供寶貴記憶,為珍貴的史料記錄其來龍去脈。
    本論文建置基於蒐集歷史圖像為主要資料集的網站,並應用電腦視覺技術,開發從人臉偵測(face detection)到人臉識別(face recognition)的端對端(end-to-end)流程,盼本研究之貢獻能造福有文史圖片分析需求之典藏單位。
    Cultural and historical institutions collect and digitize historical photos for archiving purposes. However, information regarding these photos, including identity, event, time, place, and objects need to be identified and confirmed. The relevant people may live overseas or are quite aged. It is thus beneficial to build a website with a friendly user interface, so that the elderly who witnessed historical events can share their valuable memories by contributing precious historical materials.
    Computer vision technology can be used to assist and accelerate the above-mentioned operations that relied solely on human identification and description. In the historical album website, in addition to basic functions such as uploading photos and adding metadata, we also implement face recognition recommendation to assist in identifying people in photos. Elderly who are unfamiliar with typing can also record related information for photos through voice recording. This audio file can also be stored for the preservation of oral history.
    This thesis builds a website based on the collection of historical images, and adopts computer vision technology to an end-to-end process from face detection to face recognition. We hope that this research can benefit the institutions that have the need for the analysis of cultural and historical pictures.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102971017
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100276
    Appears in Collections:[資訊科學系碩士在職專班] 學位論文

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