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Authors: | 鄭依鈴 Cheng, Yi-Ling |
Contributors: | 郭建志 鄭依鈴 Cheng, Yi-Ling |
Keywords: | EAPs 個人資源 工作滿意度 工作家庭平衡 心理健康 psychological health EAPs personal resources job satisfaction work-family balance |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-03-02 14:54:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 員工協助方案(Employee Assistance Programs, EAPs)在國內推行多年,業經政府推廣並獲企業建置與使用,其實務效果亦廣受產業和學界之認同,惟EAPs對員工產生效果之心理歷程,仍未見研究著墨,尚待具備理論基礎之實證研究以提供現象界更多理解。 本研究援用Hobfoll(1989)的資源保存理論(conservation of resources),探討EAPs對於員工個人產生效用的歷程,主張個人能從參與EAPs的過程取得與保存個人資源,經由此個人資源保存之心理歷程,提升內在對壓力與變化之調適能力,有助促進外部行為與產生正向結果,進而提高工作滿意度,增進工作家庭的平衡,及維護個人心理健康。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以台灣企業員工為研究對象,進行二階段施測,以便利抽樣形式收集樣本,總計取得有效樣本共576份,再以統計軟體(IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0與SPSS AMOS 21.0)進行因素分析、相關分析及結構方程模型分析以檢驗假設,分析結果支持本研究假設:(1)員工參與EAPs有助提升個人資源程度,(2)個人資源對員工在工作滿意度、工作家庭平衡、心理健康之結果具有正向影響,(3)個人資源中介員工EAPs參與和員工結果。最末,依據研究結果提出本研究在理論面與實務面之意涵與討論,以及說明研究限制並建議未來研究之方向。 Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are well known for a variety of benefits which are offered to employees, but the mechanism by which it occurs remains unclear and is not well understood. The purpose of this study is to provide a theoretical framework explaining the effect of EAPs by looking at empirical evidence. Building on Hobfoll’s (1989) theory of conservation of resources (COR), this study proposes the mediating role of personal resources in the relationship between EAPs and employee outcomes. That is EAPs can enable employees to generate personal resources and, by going through the process of obtaining, retaining and protecting personal resources, employees can be more psychologically adaptive and, as a result, employees can achieve better outcomes in the aspects of work, life and health. Analyzing a cross-sectional sample of 576 full-time local employees who had used or participated in EAPs, this study employed structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine proposed pathways from EAPs participation to employee outcomes (e.g. job satisfaction, work-family balance, and psychological health) directly and indirectly through personal resources. The results of analyses indicate that EAPs participation can improve the level of personal resources, and personal resources can also improve employee outcomes. In addition, the mediating role of personal resources between EAPs participation and employee outcomes is strongly supported. The findings of this study illustrate the importance of personal resources and offer new theoretical directions and practical applications for the future of EAPs. |
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