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    Title: 國民中學學校輔導工作團隊中校長的專業角色與挑戰
    The Professional Roles and Challenges of the Principal in the Guidance Work Team of the Junior High School
    Authors: 王敏秀
    Wang, Min-Hsiu
    Contributors: 陳婉真
    Wang, Min-Hsiu
    Keywords: 學校輔導工作
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:52:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在由國民中學現職校長的角度深入瞭解,校長們如何檢視學校輔導

    This study aims to gain an in-depth understanding from the perspective of the current principals of junior high schools, how principals examine the differences of professional and ethical considerations in the practice of school counseling, and how to deal with them. Besides,it also discusses how to make adjustments and improvements to meet everyone’s expectations to build the principle of ethical judgment and the way of how to deal with to make it perfect. What’s more, to enhance the dialogue among different members of the school guidance work team can help form a cooperative school guidance work team. This study is conducted in a one-to-one manner and set up as a semi-structured interview outline. Based on the collections of valuable opinions of principals in the practical experiences of counseling, the paper completes the stydy about the professional roles and challenges of principals in the counseling team of junior high schools. The conclusions of this study are as follows: I. The roles of the principal in the school guidance work team and the challenges the principals face 1. The roles of the principal in the school counseling team: (1) The principal is the leader of the counseling team. (2) The principal attaches great importance to the welfare of individual cases and the implementation of laws and regulations. (3) The principal is good at the introducing and coordinating of the system resources. 2. Challenges the principal encounters in the school counseling team: (1) The principal cannot actually participate in every case meeting. (2) The principal is listed as the subject of confidential counselling information. (3) On the communication issues between professional ethics and administrative ethics, it is necessary to conduct trans-disciplinary dialogue and establish a wellrun operation mode of the school guidance work team in order to help the cases effectively.

    II. The principal`s expectation for himself and the counseling team 1. School personnel must understand the insurmountability of laws and regulations and actively assist the needs of the cases. 2. The members of the counseling team must be aware of the limitations of personal professional knowledge. 3. Understand campus safety and social safety bulletins, and handle them in accordance with regulations. 4. The school should establish the trans-disciplinary cooperation mechanism and administrative standardization work process for the guidance work team.

    Keywords: school guidance work, school guidance work team
    Reference: 參考文獻
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100317
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