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    Title: 媒體與宗教的投入:台灣印尼穆斯林移工的手機講道
    The Media and Religious Engagement: Indonesian Muslim Migrant Worker’s Smartphone pengajian in Taiwan
    Authors: 周坤輝
    Zia, Kholidah
    Contributors: 邱炫元
    Chiou, Shuan-Yuan
    Kholidah Zia
    Keywords: 印尼穆斯林移工
    Indonesian Muslim migrant worker
    religion and media
    digital religion
    translocal circulation
    Javanese Muslim
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:51:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文聚焦於台灣的印尼移工穆斯林社群到底如何,以及為何會運用智慧型手機的電信科技(手機會議通訊)來參與手機讀經會這類的宗教性質的廣播節目。以宗教與文化訊息跨國性的流通觀點,解釋在地與全球的影響如何呈現在手機讀經會的敘事和討論。本研究有兩個重要發現:一、智慧型手機的電信科技對於這群移工穆斯林社群來說,是一種重要的技術網絡傳導了他們構築宗教社群網絡和進行空中讀經會的目的;第二,台灣的手機讀經會社群同時也展示出他們在台灣履踐爪哇伊斯蘭傳統的跨地文化現象。
    This thesis focuses on how and why Indonesian Muslim migrant workers use media technology (teleconference call) to attend religious activity through on-air auditory. The translocality circulation explains how local and global is narrated through Islamic lesson groups of the pengajian HP. The findings conclude in two points. First, a teleconference is utilized as a mediator for migrant workers to pursue their religious needs of learning Islam. Second, in vew of translocality, it explores how the Javanese migrant Muslim community performs their traditions through the study lesson group (pengajian HP) activity in Taiwan.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105926013
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100341
    Appears in Collections:[International Program in Asia-Pacific Studies\n(IMAS/IDAS)] 學位論文

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