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    Title: 政府採購納入生態考量之研究-以落實緩解步驟為探討中心
    A study of government procurement with ecological considerations-focuses on the implementation of Mitigation sequence
    Authors: 陳思廷
    Chen, Shih-Ting
    Contributors: 顏玉明
    Chen, Shih-Ting
    Keywords: 政府採購
    Government procurement
    Mitigation sequence
    Ecological conservation
    Infrastructure development
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:39:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 基礎設施興建與生態保育間之衝突,可說是全球政府推動經濟發展時必須面對之課題,我國政府亦然。政府為減輕開發行為對於生態之影響,已於憲法、法律及行政規則中納入相關規範,惟該等規定施行迄今,報章雜誌仍屢屢看到政府開發行為影響生態之聲音,而該等生態爭議,又多屬機關透過政府採購行為興辦之公共工程,凸顯政府採購法之生態保育考量範疇,仍有待提升之處。
    本研究主要探討政府採購行為納入生態考量,思考重點在於政府一方面為經濟發展運用政府採購委商進行基礎建設,一方面仍須考量該等建設對國內生態之影響,即開發與生態 2 面向間須有一機制與以兼顧,本研究爰以國際間用以平衡開發行為對生態影響之工具-緩解步驟(Mitigation sequence)為核心,比較國內外法制規範情形,以探討其於採購行為中可供應用與落實之方案。
    The conflict between infrastructure development and ecological conservation is an issue that governments around the world must face when promoting economic development, and this is the same for our government. To reduce the impact of the government`s development activities on the ecology, the government has included relevant regulations in the Constitution, laws and administrative rules. However,
    there are still many voices in newspapers and magazines about the impact of government development on the ecology, and most of these ecological controversies are related to public works projects conducted by the government through government procurement, which shows that there is still room for improvement in the ecological conservation consideration
    of government procurement law.
    This study focuses on the incorporation of ecological considerations into government procurement practices. The key point of this study is on the government`s use of government procurement for infrastructure development for economic development, while still considering the impact of such construction on the domestic ecology. Mitigation sequence,
    an international tool for balancing the ecological impact of development behavior, is used as the core of this study to compare domestic and international legal regulations and to explore the possible application and implementation of the Mitigation sequence in procurement practices.
    The main conclusion of this study is that the inclusion of ecological considerations in Government Procurement Act is in line with the spirit of both Constitution and Basic Environment Act, and that the government should actively promote relevant legislative amendments and incorporate mitigation steps to enhance the eco-friendly effects of
    government procurement practices.
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    (一) The Guardian.【Top biodiversity loss or we could face our own extinction.】檢自https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/nov/03/stop-biodiversity-loss-or-we-could-face-our-own-extinction-warns-un (最後瀏覽日:110 年 2 月 8 日)。
    (二)CEEweb for Biodiversity,【TRANSGREEN GUIDELINES】,檢自 http://www.ceeweb.org/work-areas/priority-areas/green-infrastructure/transgreen-project/transgreen-guidelines/ (最後瀏覽日:110 年 2 月 8 日)。
    (三)Damian Carrington ,【Biodiversity offsetting proposals “ a licence to trash nature”】,檢自https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/sep/05/biodive-rsity-offsetting-proposals-licence-to-trash (最後瀏覽日:110 年 2 月 8 日)。
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103961055
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100283
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