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    Title: 智能影像分析安防攝影機商業模式之研究─以S公司為例
    Research on the Business Model of Intelligent Video Analysis Security Cameras─A Case Study of S Company
    Authors: 凌翼
    Ling, Yi
    Contributors: 詹文男

    Tsan, Wen-Nan
    Shari Shang

    Ling, Yi
    Keywords: 安防產業
    OEM / ODM
    Security industry
    Business model
    NDAA regulations
    IVA Intelligent
    Video Analysis
    Image recognition
    OEM / ODM
    Platform computing
    Edge computing
    IVA camera
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:26:40 (UTC+8)
    Reference: 一、 中文書籍
    1. Neuman, W. L.,(2000)。社會研究方法:質化與量化取向。台北:揚智出版社。
    2. 詹文男,(2010)。贏在未來-產業分析12堂課。台北:資策會產業情報研究所

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108932100
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100175
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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