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    Title: 5G浪潮下網通終端廠商因應策略之研究-以A公司為例
    The Study of Network Communications Terminal Products Company’s Responding Strategy to the 5G Technology Trend - Taking A company as an example
    Authors: 林志明
    Lin, Chih-Ming
    Contributors: 詹文男
    Lin, Chih-Ming
    Keywords: 5G
    Business responding strategy
    Network communications terminal products
    Porter’s five force
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:22:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網通產業是台灣經濟中的重點產業之一,其中有線寬頻的產品(xDSL、Cable CPE)多年來一直是台灣網通產業中重要的產品線項目。然而隨著5G無線技術帶來的高速上網的能力、低延遲傳輸特性,促使電信營運商積極的推動利用5G來提供消費者無線寬頻上網服務。因此5G對於傳統有線寬頻產品線帶來不小的衝擊與影響。網通終端廠商應該如何因應5G技術浪潮的衝擊,並且掌握新的成長契機與動能?
    5G技術使用無線的連接方式,目前已經可以讓網路傳輸速度達到10 Gbps的效能,5G除了效能的優勢之外,因為它使用無線電波當作傳輸的媒介,不需要與有線寬頻產品一樣,必須進行有線的實體線路鋪設提供服務。這讓產品安裝與部屬更具效率與成本的優勢。因此成為電信業者在開拓5G新業務的重點發展項目之一。一股無線取代有線的風潮(cable replacement)已經吹起。在5G技術的衝擊之下,網通終端業者如何制訂因應的策略並且掌握新一波的成長契機,是本研究的主要目的與動機。
    1. 5G技術發展與網通市場趨勢。
    2. 網通終端廠商的競爭分析。
    3. 個案公司優劣勢分析。
    4. 推導出在5G浪潮衝擊之下,網通終端廠商可以採取的因應策略。
    1. 成立5G+ 創新研發中心:推動5G+ 的產品與服務策略。 透過5G+ 的策略,與其他中、小型終端公司策略合作。
    2. 產品系統化:藉由提供由裝置銷售到裝置管理的服務,來提高產品差異化的競爭優勢。
    3. 服務在地化與差異化:在重點的市場成立業務與技術支援據點。提供在地服務給與電信客戶,進而提高廠商服務差異化。並且藉由參與客戶前期的實驗專案,來掌握市場先機,強化服務差異化的優勢。
    4. 優化績效管理:留住優秀5G開發人才。進行產學合作專案,深入校園掌握優秀人才庫,同時積極招募海外優秀人才,以建立多元的人才資源。

    Network communication product industry is the very important in Taiwan. According to ITIS’s report, Taiwan based companies are the major vendor of xDSL, WiFi router and cable CPE product category in the worldwide market. But the 5G brings a whole new challenge to network communication terminal device company.
    There have three key performance improvement indexes of 5G technology.
    1. Enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB): It can support up to 10 G bps throughput.
    2. Massive machine-type communications (MMTC). It can support 1 million connected devices in 1 square KM area.
    3. Ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC): It can support low than 1 ms IP packet delay.
    Beside the above performance improvement, the wireless characteristic of 5G also provides another important attraction for operator. The network operator can provide more cost-effective 5G broadband service to end user because it has low CPEX. The 5G wireless broadband has replaced partial cable-based broadband market. The ITU World Telecommunication / ICT indicators Database 2018 and global fixed broadband subscriber number report already showed this trend.
    The network communication product company needs to take appropriate responding strategy to adapt the challenge introduced by the 5G technology.
    This theory will use case study method to discuss and analyze the responding strategy to 5G trend. It will use Porter’s Five Force, KSF (key success factor) and SWOT’s perspective. The case study company “A” is a Taiwan based network communications terminal product manufacture who is the major vendor in cable-based communication terminal devices.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106932077
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100241
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