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    Title: 新世代智慧交通(ITS) -自動駕駛團體捷運系統創新接受模式之研究
    Next Generation ITS - A Study of Innovative Acceptance Model on Autonomous Group Rapid Transit System
    Authors: 黃英裕
    Stevenson, Ying-Yu, Huang
    Contributors: 洪為璽

    Hung, Wei-Hsi
    Chi, Yan-Ping

    Stevenson, Ying-Yu, Huang
    Keywords: 智慧交通
    科技服務接受模式(TSE, TAM, UTAT2 or TOE )
    Experience Management
    Intelligent Transportation System, ITS
    Group Rapid Transit, GRT
    Autonomy Bus Rapid Transit, ART
    Technology Acceptance Theory (TAM, UTAT2 or TOE
    Technology, Sharing and Experience (TSE)
    Second-Phase SEM (Structural Equation Modeling)
    Sharing Economy
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-03-02 14:18:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年隨著資通信及人工智慧技術的大幅耀進,傳統公共運輸的模式開始有了許多的轉型及變化,相關運輸系統結合了自動駕駛技術並透過新世代通信網路(4G/5G以及C-V2X)構成了「新世代智慧交通運輸服務-自動駕駛團體捷運系統GRT(Group Rapid Trasit)或ART(Autonomy Bus Rapit Transit)」;而GRT/ART這類響應式的交通運輸系統(DRTS: Demand Responsive Transit Service )是近年來在智慧城市中發展新世代智慧交通運輸服務的一個重要課題,目前世界各國無不投入眾多資源來積極導入這項創新服務,進行POC(Proof-of-Concept)或POS(Proof-of-Service)針對這樣的趨勢,台灣能成功導入並推廣到實際的運營面,將對整體交通運輸及科技產業發展有極大的助益。

    本計畫將研究提出一個新的科技體驗協同消費的接受模式,先以質性的文獻回顧與分析,建構初步GRT科技體驗協同消費的模式:科技(Technology)、共享(Sharing)、體驗(Experience)(T.S.E.),該模式能解釋接受GRT/ART系統服務的關鍵接受因素,接著會透過問卷調查法來驗證TSE模式中的因素對使用者的使用意圖、使用與持續使用行為有何影響;本研究透過透過專家座談確認二階模型變數(SEM: Structural Equation Modeling)之間對TSE的解釋能力及區別性(獨立變數),最後使用SmartPLS統計分析軟體來進行模型的檢驗分析方法(主要是利用Bootstrapping來估計路徑係數) 驗證其中的關鍵影響因素,檢驗研究假說並探索關鍵路徑(Critical Path)。


    In recent years, with the rapid development of communication and artificial intelligence technology, traditional public transportation has transformed. The transportation systems combined self-driving technology and new communication networks (4G, 5G and C-V2X), forming a new generation of intelligent transportation services, including self-driving group MRT system, GRT (Group Rapid Transit), ART (Autonomy Bus Rapid Transit), and responsive transportation systems (DRTS, Demand Responsive Transit Service). In the past few years, developing intelligent transportation services have been an important isuue in smart cities. Countries around the world are investing resources to actively import POC (Proof-of-Concept) or POS (Proof-of-Service) services. Moreover, GRT has been successfully introduced and operated in Taiwan and it will greatly benefit the development of transportation and technology industries.

    GRT and ART are combinations of artificial intelligence, sharing economy, mass transportation and technology. Past literature has discussed GRT and ART by technology acceptance theory (TAM, UTAT2 or TOE..., etc.), while it could not explain user`s acceptance behavior, the factors influence its intention, the common situations, and the key thrusts and resistances.

    This thesis proposes a new technology acceptance model with qualitative literature review and analysis. First, the preliminary GRT technology experience co-consumption model was constructed. The model includes Technology, Sharing and Experience (TSE), which explain the key acceptance factors while adopting GRT and ART system services. Second, it verifies the TSE model through questionnaires. This study validates the interpretation and differentiation (independent variables) of TSE between second-phase SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) model variables through expert forum. Third, it analyse the model testing and analysis methods (primarily using Bootstrapping to estimate path coefficients) by SmartPLS to examine the hypotheses and critical paths.

    This study found several key factors while introducing GRT and ART to Taiwan. Firstly, “Technology” has the greatest impact on continuous use (ease-to-use and usability are the most outstanding among these). Secondly, “Action Experience” and “Thinking Experience” are the most important facors for attracting consumers to embark. The findings can be used as a strategic priority for Taiwan authorities to develope the services and operators` businesses. However, we can also tell that the impact of “Sharing” and “Technology” on “Willingness to Use” is less significant. In addition, this study proposes that TSE can be used as an appropriate survey and research model for explaining and analyzing the “Acceptance” of GRT and ART services. Furthermore, the government can use it as an appropriate measurement model for opening up GRT/ART routes and services in various places.

    Finally, the hypotheses in this study are based on Taiwan’s environment. The operators promote GRT services abroad will have to re-investigate according to their culture and traffic environment such as the integrity of public transportation network, the quality of transport services, living habits and so on. Moreover, due to time and resource constraints, further in-depth discussion of different-oriented issues or applications can be explored in the future. This study can be used as a reference for operators to provide service adjustment strategies.
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