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Title: | 依「山」傍「水」的捍味戰士──文府國小抗空汙倡議行動深度報導 Citizen Science Fights against Air Pollution: An In-depth Story about Wen-Fu Elementary School`s Clean Air Advocacy Campaign |
Authors: | 吳意萱 Wu, Yi-Xuan |
Contributors: | 許瓊文 Hsu, Chiung-Wen 吳意萱 Wu, Yi-Xuan |
Keywords: | 空汙議題 公民科學 社會運動 環境倡議 environmental advocacy Air pollution issues citizen science social movement |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-03-02 14:15:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本深度報導主旨在探究並記錄2014-2016年高雄市左營區文府國小抗空汙行動,從「氣」捕惡鄰開始,如何展開一波波為好空氣而戰的具體行動。文府校園的大小公民扳倒了一家60多年歷史的東南水泥廠、使之遭長期勒令停工,但社會運動的漣漪並非至此止歇。研究者親身訪談校園公民,環保團體與之聯手,整合運用環境倡議策略;而傳播媒介更發揮臨門一腳的作用,環境議題透過媒介所引發的溢散效應,進而全面攻占媒體版面。然而,達成單一汙染廠家改善或停工目的,只是階段性目標,從法規改革與環境訴求進而提高運動層次,或能在社會運動中擴散至工業區環境品質的全方位拉升。過往文獻中,較少針對空汙抗爭行動的深度報導,期以爬梳成功的社運脈絡,提供往後可預期、不會停止的空汙行動中,參考並修正策略規劃、與反思環境改善升級的關鍵契機。 The goal of this in-depth story is to explore and record how the citizen science activities of the faculty and students of Wen-Fu Elementary School to combat air pollution between 2014 and 2016. The school is located in the Zuoying District of Kaohsiung City influenced by air pollution and odor for years. The campaign is launched to identify polluters and curb pollution emissions in the area by means of working with community residents and NGOs.
The faculty and students play as citizen scientists to make air pollution odor diaries and develop environmental curriculums to collect samples and conduct experiments. Eventually, the main polluter, a Kaohsiung-based 60-year-old cement factory, has been recognized. The government ordered a long-term suspension on its operation for environmental inspection. Their action has had a continuous effect on the community and the city.
This study tries to find the important characteristics to make this campaign possible, including the approach of citizen science, the cooperation with NGOs, and the relationship with mass media, and the strategy of an online campaign by an in-depth interview. The story sheds light that multi-actor community participation plays an important role in environmental protection campaigns, including residents, schools, authorities, and NGOs. In addition, the leading attitude to deal with mass media and making use of social media facilitate the movement. |
Reference: | 中文部分
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 99941001 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099941001 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100370 |
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