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Title: | 使用多元文化繪本培養台灣高中生之文化智能 Using multicultural picture books to cultivate Taiwanese high school students’ Cultural Intelligence |
Authors: | 李思萱 Li, Ssu-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 許麗媛 Hsu, Li-Yuan 李思萱 Li, Ssu-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 文化智能 多元文化繪本 跨文化溝通能力 英語為外語教學 Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Multicultural picture books Intercultural communicative competence Teaching EFL |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-03-02 14:14:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在全球化的浪潮下,如何提升學習者的跨文化溝通能力逐漸在英語教學領域受到重視。先前的研究顯示利用多元文化繪本可以提升以英語為外語學習者的跨文化溝通能力。然而,以往的研究場域大多侷限在國小階段。因此,本個案研究旨在探討閱讀多元文化繪本對台灣高中生的文化智能的影響,以及學生們如何看待這樣的課程。在本研究中,參與的實驗對象為來自南台灣社區高中同一班級的二十六位學生。他們在八周的課程中閱讀了三本多元文化繪本。本研究亦為一混合研究(mix-method research),資料來源有高中生文化智能量表(Shen, 2016)的前後測分數、每本繪本的省思學習單、以及課程意見回饋表。研究結果顯示:一、台灣高中生的文化智能分數在閱讀多元文化繪本後有顯著進步。二、學生們在省思學習單展現出跨文化溝通者應具備的能力。三、台灣高中生對本課程大多抱持著正面的態度。最後,研究者也提出利用繪本提升文化智能之教學及研究上的建議。 In this globalized world, how to promote learners’ cross-cultural communication competence has been increasingly emphasized in the field of English language teaching. Prior research has shown that using multicultural picture books could enhance English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ intercultural communicative competence. However, the research contexts were mostly limited to elementary schools. Therefore, this case study aimed to investigate to what extent Taiwanese high school students can develop their cultural intelligence (CQ) through reading multicultural picture books in the English classroom. Besides, the participants’ perceptions of the course were also examined. Twenty-six students from an intact class in a community high school in southern Taiwan participated in this eight-week multicultural-picture-book reading experiment. This study adopted a mix-method research design, in which data were collected from participants’ pre-test and post-test of Cultural Intelligence Scale for High School Students (Shen, 2016), their reflections of each picture book during the course, and their responses to the final feedback questionnaire at the end of the course. The results indicated that, first, Taiwanese high school students’ CQ was significantly improved after reading multicultural picture books. Second, the analysis of students’ reflections also revealed that, in general, students exhibited the competencies of successful cross-cultural communicators. Third, the results of the post-experiment questionnaire showed that students generally held a positive attitude toward the multicultural reading course. Finally, suggestions for future research and pedagogical implications for cultivating CQ through reading multicultural picture books were proposed. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 105551009 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105551009 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100177 |
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