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    Title: 葉門內戰比較研究(1962-1967/2014-2018):認同與內外的行為者互動
    A Comparative Study of Yemen Civil Wars (1962-1967/2014-2018) : Identity and the Interactions of Internal and External Actors
    Authors: 謝友綸
    Hsieh, Yu-Lun
    Contributors: 張景安
    Hsieh, Yu-Lun
    Keywords: 葉門內戰
    Civil Wars
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:34:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中東地區因為人工疆界的因素,認同團體與國界之間往往不一定吻合並形成跨國界的認同。因此區域內國家內部往往得面臨不同認同的競爭,而這些競爭則因為跨國界認同的關係影響到區域層次。葉門長期以來一直面臨了內部動盪的問題,而區域間的行為者也曾多次大歷屆葉門內部衝突,而當這些區域行為者介入葉門時,似乎又沿著某種認同分歧的界線,選擇支持不同陣營。而為了解這樣認同與不同內外部行為者的關聯,本文將選定探討1962年與2014年的兩場葉門內戰,檢視葉門在現代國家的歷史上,其認同與內外行為者的關係變化。

    Because of its artificial border from colonial times, the border between different identity groups are not in lines with states border, and this help to establish inter-states identities to exit in the middle east. Thus, countries the region tends to face competition between different identities within its border, and this competition also has implication in a regional level. Yemen as a country in the region, it also faces this kind of turmoil, and with a long history of civil wars alongside with external intervention, it seems to match the pattern stated above. Thus, in this research, we will examine the relationship between identities and different actors in the two civil wars that happened in Yemen, which is the 1962 one and the one happened after 2014.

    This research will also use Mabon’s concept of internal-external identities security dilemma to analyze the relationships between different actors through the lenses of identities. In the end this research concludes that the competition of identities inside Yemen is one of the factor that draws the external actors to intervene, and through interventions the external actors bring a huge influence on the construction process of internal identities. And also that the competition between different regional powers can also construct a hostile relationship between identities that were originally coexist with each other.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106560001
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100066
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