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    Title: 新冠肺炎相關網路謠言框架分析之研究
    A Study of Frames of COVID-19 Internet Rumors
    Authors: 劉玟妤
    Liu, Wen-Yu
    Contributors: 陳憶寧
    Liu, Wen-Yu
    Keywords: 新冠肺炎
    Internet rumor
    Framing analysis
    Content analysis
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:33:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2020 年新冠肺炎蔓延全球,在各國忙於防疫的時刻,謠言與不實訊息卻趁 虛而入且不斷地擴散。而台灣一樣也深受其害,這樣的情況可以從台灣事實查 核中心所查核的謠言數量看出,台灣事實查核中心從 2020 年 1 月至 7 月共發布 了 157 篇查核報告。此外,許多過去的研究指出,任何新聞產製者及訊息來 源,可能帶有原先的預設框架產製訊息,並影響訊息再現的樣貌。而謠言的形 成可能與框架有類似的過程,因此本研究即是從框架角度切入,進一步分析新 冠肺炎網路謠言的主題框架。另外,為更加深入了解新冠肺炎網路謠言,本研 究亦探究新冠肺炎網路謠言的內容特徵與呈現方式,並探討不同主題框架間在 內容特徵與呈現方式之間的差異。本研究以內容分析法進行分析。研究結果顯 示,新冠肺炎網路謠言以八個主題框架再現,以防疫作為、疫情失控與病毒來 源三個主題框架的數量最多。內容特徵則是多描述特定國家,沒有明確的發生 時間與地點;最常利用照片/影片作為佐證證據;類型則是以重組訊息較多; 主要的謠言主張則是以分享新知為主,且多數謠言皆來自社群媒體/通訊軟 體。呈現方式部分,則是以 1 字~999 字、第三人稱敘述及描述型為主。而不 同主題框架的內容特徵,彼此之間有所差異,不過在呈現方式上差別就不大。
    COVID-19 has become a pandemic in 2020. However, rumors and misinformation have spread continuously when every countries are busy with epidemic prevention. Taiwan has the same situation. It can be observed from the number of rumors checked by Taiwan FactCheck Center(TFC) . Moreover, lots of past studies pointed out that journalists and sources might product information through default frames. The formation of rumors might have similar process to the frames, so this study discoursed the issues frames of COVID-19 internet rumors. This study also discussed the characteristics of contents and formats of COVID-19 internet rumors, and difference by issues frames. This study used content analysis to investigate COVID-19 internet rumors. The results of the study indicated that the most issues frames are epidemic prevention, epidemic out of control, and virus sources. COVID-19 internet rumors commonly described the influence of “particular country”; also most of the COVID-19 internet rumors don’t mention when or where the events happened. COVID-19 internet rumors provide “photos or videos” as evidence and proof. Most of COVID-19 internet rumors involve various forms of reconfiguration. Furthermore, most of COVID-19 internet rumors sources try to share new knowledges with audience. Almost all of COVID-19 internet rumors come from social media. Most of COVID-19 internet rumors would describe the events in third person narrative. There are differences in characteristics of contents between issues frames, but in characteristics of formats there is not much different.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464019
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100158
    Appears in Collections:[傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程] 學位論文

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