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    Title: 伺服器市場策略行銷 4C 分析-以英特爾為例
    Strategic Marketing 4C Analysis of Server Market: A case study of Intel Inc.
    Authors: 郭曉潔
    Kuo, Hsiao-Chieh
    Contributors: 邱志聖
    Chiou, Jyh-Shen
    Kuo, Hsiao-Chieh
    Keywords: 策略行銷4C架構
    Strategic marketing 4C
    Cloud market
    Server market
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:31:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   近年來,隨著電腦市場逐漸飽和,市場中流傳著「電腦已死」的消息,且隨著 新興科技的出現,包含大數據、物聯網、5G 等推升市場對於雲端運算的需求,各企業無不分散風險加入伺服器市場,就連半導體產業領導廠商 Intel 也不例外,在 2018 年時宣布公司從電腦中心轉變成數據優先的策略,並積極布局生態圈;而近年崛起的 AMD 亦在發表會上說明其對於資料中心市場的信心,並且以 CPU 整合 GPU 為主要的產品藍圖,望能搶下更多的市占率。因此,從兩大處理器廠商可得知其對於伺服器市場之重視,也讓此市場的競爭更加白熱化。
      不論是在電腦或是伺服器市場,Intel 在過去一直穩居領導廠商寶座。然而, 在近年卻因 AMD 推出的 Zen 架構而使得 Intel 在電腦市場之市佔率不斷下降。雖然此情況在伺服器市場尚不明顯,Intel 目前仍掌握絕大部分之市佔率,但是在較不易變動的 B2B 市場之中,已經有許多龍頭企業開始與 AMD 合作,並且獲得顧客的青睞,在伺服器市場中對 Intel 造成不可忽視的威脅。
      因此,本文想藉由策略行銷 4C 架構以宏觀且系統性的角度來看 Intel 在四個成 本-外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機風險成本及專屬資產成本中與 AMD 各自之表現如何,試圖拆解在 Intel 市佔率下降的結果,其背後造成之原因為何,及在短期內必須改善的面向。最後給予 Intel 長短期的建議,以期鞏固 Intel 領導廠商之地位。
    In recent years, as the PC market has been gradually saturated, the news that "The PC is dead" has been circulating in the market. With the emergence of emerging technologies, including Big Data, the Internet of Things, and 5G, the market’s demand for cloud computing has increased, so the enterprises had joined the server market to diversify the risks, even the semiconductor industry leader Intel is no exception. The Intel CEO Bob Swan announced that the company strategy will shift from PC-centric to data- centric and actively deploy the ecosystem. On the other hand, AMD, the rising star in this industry, also expressed its confidence in the data center market. Furthermore, AMD’s product portfolio, which is combined with CPU and GPU, is gaining more market share than before. Therefore, viewing from the strategies of the two major processor manufacturers, it goes without saying that the server market is an important battlefield for those tech giants.
    Whether it is in the PC or server market, Intel has always been the leading manufacturer. However, Intel`s market share in the PC market has been declining due to the Zen architecture introduced by AMD recently. Although the server market hasn’t been affected yet for Intel, which still controls the vast majority of the market share, many leading companies have begun to cooperate with AMD, which has won the favor of customers. Therefore, we can say that AMD poses a threat to Intel that it can’t ignore.
    To sum up, this article aims to analyze the server market based on the Strategic Marketing 4C framework and view from a macro and systematic perspective on Intel’s competition status against AMD, trying to disassemble the situation of the declining market share for Intel and the aspects they need to improve for both the short-term and long-term strategy.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100139
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