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    Title: 政府研發補助計畫對於新創企業的影響 —以創業型 SBIR 為例
    The Effect of Public R&D Subsidies on New Ventures: The case of Early-Stage SBIR Program
    Authors: 賴映竹
    Lai, Ying-Chu
    Contributors: 鄭至甫
    Jeng, Jyh-Fu
    Lai, Ying-Chu
    Keywords: 創新型新創企業
    Innovation-driven entrepreneurship
    Government-sponsored R&D programmes
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:29:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近幾年各國政府開始關注創新創業的議題,也逐漸推出許創新創業的相關政策與補助計畫,期盼新創企業能成為國家經濟成長的動力之一。台灣雖然從多年前便已開始聚焦推動國內創新創業生態系的健全發展,也在全球創業觀察針對創業環境的調查中獲得相當高的評分,但是優良的創業環境未必等同於新創企業擁有良好的經營狀況,也並不一定表示新創企業對於當前的創業政策與環境感到滿意,新創企業仍期待能持續獲得更多的外部資源及支持。本研究以附加性理論以及正當性概念之觀點切入,探討創業型研發補助計畫對於新創企業的影響,除了分析計畫如何影響新創企業研發活動的投入程度、研發成果以及組織行為之外,也將討論補助計畫如何驅動更多資源挹注於獲選新創企業。本研究採用個案研究法,共訪談五間不同產業類別、且皆通過創業概念海選計畫的創新型新創企業。研究結果顯示雖然獲選新創企業依據其申請計畫的目的,以不同的方式運用獎勵獎金,但是補助計畫能讓多數獲選新創企業更積極投入於研發活動。此外,計劃的前置作業與執行過程的審核機制能對組織行為產生正面的長期影響,除了能訓練新創企業執行研發專案,也可使其創建組織例規,提升組織內部的管理能力。在計畫結案時,獲選新創企業能夠達成最初設定的目標,順利開發技術、改善產品的功能、逐漸形塑其商業模式,而主辦單位的媒合協助也能提升新創企業未來的商業表現。本研究接著發現,計畫結束後獲選新創企業除了能藉由計畫提升企業形象之外,也能促進與外部網絡的互動,外部資源挹注機會因此而增加,但此等情況多半是主辦單位間接或直接給予的協助。計畫釋出的資源以及後續驅動的外部資源挹注僅可為新創企業帶來短期效益,獲選企業仍須依靠本身的能力與潛力來保持成長的動能。
    Anticipating that the new ventures will become the driving force of economic growth, in recent years, governments have paid much more attention to innovation and entrepreneurship as well as introducing various entrepreneurship polices and subsidy programs. Taiwan has been promoting the development of startup ecosystem for many years, and Taiwan was also given a high opinion of the entrepreneurial environment in the 2019 GEM report. It does not mean, however, that having friendly entrepreneurial environment, is enquivalent to having great performance and satisfaction of the new venture. The purpose of this study is to explore the additionality effects of government subsidies on the changes of R&D activity, organizational behavior, R&D results and resources inflow of new ventures. To explain the effects in more detail, we adopt case study research method and interview 5 recipient firms of the R&D subsidy program. The results show that although each company spend the funds in a very different way, most of them increase R&D activity. In addition, the requirments, administrative burdens and review system can have a positive impact on firm behavior. New ventures can not only accumulate project experiences but also establish organizational routines throughout the process, while at the same time they have the chance to improve management capabilities. Furthermore, firms in different industry sector show diverse output additonalty, which depends on the goal of each recipient firm. The study also find that new ventures can enhace corporate image as well as attract many kinds of resources after completing the project. An even more significant factor that should be taken into account is the affiliation with prominent parties, since most of the resources come from the assistance of SMEA directly or indirectly. These reulsts implicate that governemt R&D support has positive effects on new ventures in the short term, but recipient firms must still exploit their capabilities and potential to attain more resources for survival and growth.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107364125
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100135
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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