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    Title: 探討業配文對消費者的購買決策之影響
    A Study on the Impacts of How Influencers on Customers’ Purchasing Decisions
    Authors: 歐怡君
    Ou, Yi-Jun
    Contributors: 邱奕嘉
    Chiu, Yi-Chia
    Ou, Yi-Jun
    Keywords: 業配文
    Product Knowledge
    Consumer Sentiment
    Purchase Decision
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:29:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 廣告不僅僅傳達給消費者基本產品資訊與理念,更重要的是消費者相信該訊息內容的正確性,甚至是改變消費者對事物的態度,更是一種說服消費者的方式。本研究以業務配合文(業配文)自我揭露,告知消費者乃是接受企業贊助而發文,而這類坦承告知的業配文對消費者購買決策的影響性,並以產品知識、揭露管道、消費情緒為自變數,購買決策為依變數進行分析。本研究採用量化研究,並以最近一次業配文的閱讀經驗來填寫問卷,問卷自2020年4月1日至2020年4月30日,以Google表單進行問卷調查法進行問卷發放,總計回收105份,扣除無效問卷0份,剩餘有效問卷數為105份進行後續的正式分析,正式回收率為100%。統計工具分為敘述性統計、信度分析、效度分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、迴歸分析。研究指出,業配文的產品知識對消費者的消費情緒具有影響性;業配文真實揭露引發的消費情緒對購買決策具有影響性;業配文真實揭露引發的產品知識對購買決策具有影響性;業配文真實揭露引發消費者的產品知識、消費情緒、購買決策具有正相關。本研究可提供企業為了獲取更多消費者的認同後,以促成購買決策,採以業配文之參考。
    Advertising not only provides basic product information and concept for consumers, but most importantly, it makes consumers believe the idea delivered by advertising and even changes how consumers treat things. In a word, advertising is an effective way in convincing consumers. Especially advertorial is popular at the present day and mostly adopted by influencers. The study examined how self-disclosure advertorial affects consumers behavior and purchase decision, by taking product knowledge, sponsorship disclosure and consumer sentiment as independent variable and purchase decision-making as dependent variable. The questionnaire was created on Google form to collect data. The result shows that professional product knowledge provided by advertorial could move consumer sentiment; consumer sentiment and product knowledge triggered by advertorial have significant impact on consumer purchase decision. Self-disclosure advertorial has positive correlation with product knowledge, consumer sentiment and purchase decision-making. The study expects to demonstrate to firms how to utilize advertorials to move consumers’ decision.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104364129
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100162
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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