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    Title: 單字練習題對第二外語字彙學習成效類型之影響
    The Effect Type of Vocabulary Exercise on L2 Vocabulary Learning
    Authors: 劉惠雯
    Liu, Hui-Wen
    Contributors: 余明忠
    Yu, Ming-Chung
    Liu, Hui-Wen
    Keywords: 單字習得
    Vocabulary acquisition
    Vocabulary exercise
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:28:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討三種不同的單字練習題型,對第二外語字彙學習成效類型之影響。依據涉入程度假說,涉入程度較高的單字練習題型,可以為學習者帶來更好的單字習得成效。因此本研究採用最常使用兩種的單字練習題-填空與造句,來組合成三種單字練習題型:一次填空題、三次填空題與造句題,來探討影響單字練習題成效的原因。另外,學習者的英文程度、年齡以及性別是否與單字練習題的效益有相互的影響,也在本研究中有所探討。
    This study aimed to investigate the effect type of vocabulary exercise on L2 vocabulary learning. Based on the Involvement Load Hypothesis, the vocabulary exercises with higher involvement load claim better performance of vocabulary acquisition (Hulstijin & Laufer, 2001). In view of this, the efficacy of the exercises on word retention was explored with two types of commonly-used vocabulary exercises, exercises of blank-filling and writing original sentences. They were employed for three exercise conditions: one set of fill-in-the-blank, three sets of fill-in-the-blank and one set of writing original sentences. Besides, three variables of learner factors were also investigated in this study: English proficiency, age and gender.
    Seventy-two students participated in this study. They were from two classes, one from junior high schools and the other from senior high schools, in a private secondary school in the southern Taiwan. Prior to the experiment, learners’ vocabulary knowledge of 15 target words was examined by the modified Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS). During the experiment, all of the participants practiced these target words in the three exercise conditions, which appeared in a random sequence to avoid the recency effect (Phillips, 1981). After the experiment, the vocabulary knowledge of these words was examined in an immediate posttest.
    The results are summarized as follows. First, the three exercise conditions significantly enhanced the participants’ word retention. Besides, Condition 2 (three sets of fill-in-the-blank) produced the most word gains, Condition 3 (one set of writing original sentences) made the more gains, and Condition 1 (one set of fill-in-the-blank) made the least gains. Also, Conditions 2 and 3 did not show a significant difference between each other while they each showed significant superiority over Condition 1. Second, the three exercise conditions exerted a significant effect on word knowledge and retention of both high and low English achievers. Specifically, high English achievers performed better than low ones in the three conditions, and Condition 2 facilitated the low English achievers’ word retention more than Condition 1. Third, no matter senior and junior high school students, the three conditions all demonstrated positive effects on their word retention, but the senior high school students outperformed the junior high school students. Fourth, not only the males but also the females reaped benefits from the three conditions. However, the females outperformed their counterparts in all conditions, and they also yielded a markedly higher score in Condition 2 than in Condition 1.
    It is hoped that the findings of the present study could offer English teachers some insights on how to apply vocabulary exercises to help improve learners’ word acquisition, and retention.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100113
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