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Title: | 從攻勢現實主義觀點探討中美在印太區域的爭霸:以中國潛艦執行反介入對美國之影響為例 The Power Competition between China and the U.S. in the Indo-Pacific from the Perspective of Offensive Realism: the case of China’s Anti-Access operation against the U.S. |
Authors: | 葉弘生 Yeh, Hung-Seng |
Contributors: | 魏玫娟 Wei, Mei-Chuan 葉弘生 Yeh, Hung-Seng |
Keywords: | 攻勢現實主義 區域拒止╱反介入 潛艦 印太地區 中國 美國 offensive realism anti-denial/anti-access submarine the Indo-Pacific China the United States |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2021-02-01 14:23:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 中國國家主席習近平於2013年掌政之後,以實現「中國夢」為國家政策目標,取代原有「韜光養晦、有所作為」的基本國策,以隱含「攻勢現實主義」原則的政策、「維護國家利益」的論述,採行「經濟發展國防,國防支持經濟」策略,與美國競逐印太地區領導地位。本文旨在以中國潛艦執行「區域拒止╱反介入」為例,從攻勢現實主義的觀點,透過次級文獻資料分析來探討中國在印太地區的霸權爭逐。攻勢現實主義學派認為國家以「自我權力極大化」為最終目的,未成就絕對霸權前主張以「軍事」手段為國家爭奪更多利益。本文分析認為,中國為鞏固其在印太地區之國家利益,向外爭奪話語權過程中,積極採取軍事具體作為意圖將美國排除於印太區域外,此舉使美國備感威脅並發展各項應對策略。中國選擇以具戰略價值的「潛艦」執行反介入行動,利用潛艦水下隱匿特性,攜帶不同型式飛彈對美國實施水下打擊,以達到拒止美國於外的目的,並對美國產生某種程度的軍事威懾。本研究結果顯示,面對中國攻勢現實主義的挑戰、以潛艦執行反介入,美國採取先期反制應對策略為鋪設水下聲波監聽系統、部署先進反潛作戰艦與反潛機進行偵查與反制,同時強化與區域國家海軍軍事外交共同應對中國潛艦威脅。本文結論指出,當崛起的中國持續挑戰與威脅既有傳統霸權的美國,在一方未示弱前,中、美兩國將持續於印太地區內競逐權力以維護自身的國家利益。 After taking power in 2013, the Chinese President Jin-Ping, Xi set the realization of the "Chinese Dream" as the goal of the nation`s development, replacing its previous policy characterized by the idea of "hiding our capacities and biding our time." The new policy implies the principle of "offensive realism" and emphasizes the priority of maintaining national interest. Strategy adopted stresses the importance of economics development for strengthening national defense, and national defense for supporting economic development. It also aims for competing leadership with the United States in the Indo-Pacific region. Using China’s use of submarine for implementing "Anti-Access/Area Denial" (A2/AD) as an example, and based on analysis of literature, this thesis discusses the power competition between China and the United State (hereafter the U.S.) in the region from the perspective of offensive realism. Essential to offensive realism is the conviction that all nations regard maximizing their power as their ultimate goal. Military means are considered necessary for gaining more interests before they become hegemons. It is argued in this thesis that, in order to secure its interest in the region, China has used submarines for eliminating the opportunities of the U.S. intervention in the region through underwater strikes of missiles carried on the submarines. Countermeasures of laying underwater acoustic monitoring systems and deploying advanced multifunctional air patrol aircraft to quickly reach the target area for reconnaissance and surveillance have been adopted by the United State in addition to military cooperation among its allies in the region. This thesis concludes that as long as the rising China is perceived by the U.S. to continue to challenge the U.S. leadership and threaten its power and interest, the rivalry between the two nations is expected to remain until either shows the white feather and backs down. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 108921302 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921302 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100023 |
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