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Title: | 基隆市港協力之個案分析 A Case Study on the Collaboration Between the Keelung City and the Keelung Harbor |
Authors: | 林明智 Lin, Ming-Chih |
Contributors: | 江明修 Chiang, Min-Hsiu 林明智 Lin, Ming-Chih |
Keywords: | 協力治理 行政溝通 迴力鏢模式 基隆市港再生標竿計畫平台 軍港西遷 Collaborative Governance Administrative Communication Boomerang Pattern Keelung City-Port Revitalization Benchmark Project Platform Military Harbor Relocating Project |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2021-02-01 14:20:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 基隆市市長林右昌上任後,因應前瞻計畫,基隆市政府與基隆港務分公司成立「市港再生標竿計畫平台」,試圖找出「市港合一」失敗後,中央「港」與地方「市」合作平台的新契機。而這也讓筆者充滿好奇,這樣嶄新的市港平台會議,會帶給市港協力治理怎樣的過程和效果?筆者有幸從自身實務工作經驗中,從內部角度來一探究竟。本研究的研究問題在於,基隆市港協力治理如何起步?制度上如何形塑出來?進一步如何消解公共問題與強化政策回應?另外,基隆市港再生標竿計畫平台如何進行跨域行政溝通?是否遇到扞格?如何調整以達成更多對話甚至共識? 本研究回顧過往基隆水岸與市港研究、協力治理與行政溝通理論,說明基隆市港過往案例與現階段計畫,並分析市港平台與軍港西遷案協力治理,二度建構焦點問題;最後,提出邁向「市港跨域協力治理」之展望。 As the new Keelung Mayor Lin Yu-Chang took office, the Keelung City Government and the Port of Keelung, Taiwan International Ports Corporation (TIPC) launched the "City-Port Revitalization Benchmark Project Platform" corresponding to the national Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program. The platform aims at opening up a new opportunity for City-Port industrial cooperation considering the earlier failure of "City-Port Integration" plans. Building on these notions, this research attempts to understand how the new platform would shape City-Port collaborative governance. This research benefits from the researcher`s prior working experiences in the city government to better observe the governing system based on the inside information. The research questions start from the emerging City-Port collaborative governance. How did this mode of governance be institutionalized? How did this strategy further resolve public problems and strengthen policy response? Moreover, how did the City-Port Revitalization Benchmark Project Platform forge cross-sector communication? What were the challenges? How to adjust the platform to generate more dialogues or even to reach consensus? This research reviews studies on Keelung`s waterfront and City-Port, collaborative governance, and administrative communication to present the history and current development project of Keelung`s City-Port. The further analysis of the collaborative governance in the City-Port platform and military harbor relocating project brings out this research`s central focus. In so doing, this research proposes a framework of City-Port cross-sector collaborative governance for future reference. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 105921053 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105921053 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100087 |
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