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    Title: 以生命週期永續發展評估法(LCSA)結合多評準決策進行軌道建設場站開發之營運效益評估
    Use the Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment(LCSA)combined with Multiple Criteria Decision Making(MCDM)to evaluate the operational benefits of the railway constructions development
    Authors: 彭文亭
    Peng, Wen-Ting
    Contributors: 白仁德

    Pai, Jen-Te
    Ning, Fang-Shii

    Peng, Wen-Ting
    Keywords: 公共建設計畫
    Government infrastructure project
    Railway constructions development
    Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment
    Operation evaluation
    Multiple Criteria Decision Making
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:18:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 軌道建設為重要重大公共建設計畫,若其開發無法達成原先預期之效益且未考量生命週期的績效,會導致投入資源無效率並影響國家未來整體發展。生命週期評估(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA)是一種全方位的評估工具;其近年與生命週期成本(Life Cycle Costing, LCC)及社會生命週期評估(Social Life Cycle Assessment, SLCA)整合為生命週期永續性評估(Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment, LCSA)方法,包含環境、經濟及社會面向之效益評估,目的為評估全生命週期各階段之效益以達到符合永續性概念;本研究以軌道建設為研究對象,評估其全生命週期之營運階段各面向之效益,以LCSA應用於軌道建設場站開發之營運效益評估,作為後續相關政策研擬或制度建立之參考。
    本研究運用LCSA擬出軌道建設場站開發之營運效益評估指標基本架構,再透過焦點團體訪談歸納出專家學者建議可列入之各面向評估指標後,建立LCSA框架下之軌道建設場站開發營運效益評估面向與指標架構;再運用多評準決策(Multiple Criteria Decision Making, MCDM)中的模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM)與專家調查權重法(Expert Investigation Weight Method, EIWM),分析專家學者對於軌道建設場站開發之營運效益評估指標之感受與重視程度後建立新評估架構;再以其對基隆火車站都市更新站區遷移計畫進行案例分析,並藉由深度訪談利害關係人後,提出針對軌道建設場站開發之營運效益評估方法與政策之結論與建議。
    Railway construction is an essential public investment. If the railway development cannot achieve expected benefits and the life cycle`s performance is not considered, it will lead to the input resources` inefficiency and affect the country`s overall future development. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a comprehensive assessment tool. In recent years, it has been integrated with Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Social Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) into the Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA), which assesses environmental, economic, and social benefits to evaluate the benefits of each stage of a whole life cycle, conforming to the concept of sustainability. This study evaluates the benefits of railway construction in all aspects of its Whole Life Cycle operation and uses LCSA applications in the development of railway construction stations as a reference for subsequent policy-making or system establishment.
    This study proposes a basic structure of operational benefit evaluation index for railway construction station development through LCSA and summarizes the evaluation indicators recommended by experts and scholars through Focus Groups, establishing an operational benefit evaluation index structure for rail construction station development under the LCSA framework. Furthermore, the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) and the Expert Investigation Weight Method (EIWM) of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) are used in this study to establish a new evaluation framework based on the analyses of experts` perception and emphases on the operational benefit evaluation index of railway construction station development. Based on the case study of the Relocation and Renovation Project of Keelung Train station and the in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders, conclusions and suggestions on the methods and policies for the evaluation of the operational benefits of railway construction station development are proposed.
    The results show that railway construction`s operational benefit evaluation projects only focus on quantitative benefits, as in economic and financial benefits, while social and public benefits and natural environment benefit evaluation projects are lacking. Apart from quantifiable economic value assessment, the benefit evaluation of environmental and social value should be added, and that the use of LCSA for evaluation extension facilitates a more accurate and diversified assessment of the impact of the railway construction station development on the regional environment and local development. Moreover, more attention should be paid to various stakeholders` actual needs and relevant administrative or executing units in the development plan of railway construction stations. The items to which they attach importance should be discussed to establish a future reference for relevant units to distribute resources. The evaluation indices of the benefits of railway construction station development under the LCSA framework developed in this study can be used as a reference index for the same type of public construction to improve operational benefit and a prioritized improvement or key strengthening project.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106257015
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100154
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Land Economics] Theses

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