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Title: | 中國環境公益訴訟制度之立法與實踐 The Legislation and Practice of Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China |
Authors: | 羅乃威 Lo, Nai-Wei |
Contributors: | 許耀明 羅乃威 Lo, Nai-Wei |
Keywords: | 中國環境保護法 中國環境公益訴訟制度 中國環境公益訴訟原告適格 Environmental Protection Law of China Environmental public interest litigation in China Standing to sue for the environmental public interest in China |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-02-01 14:14:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 中國於2014年修訂頒布之《中華人民共和國環境保護法》,除了提高政府機關的監督管理職能、加重違反環境保護法律之責任外,亦將環境保護永續發展原則及公眾參與原則納入規範中,可以看出中國的環境保護理念逐漸與國際接軌。環境公益訴訟制度作為實現公眾參與原則之一環,亦經2014年修訂後之環境保護法首次被確立於環境立法中。 相較於2012年《中華人民共和國民事訴訟法》關於公益訴訟之規定,2014年修訂後之環境保護法,進一步明確了環境公益訴訟的主體及範圍,另外透過中國最高人民法院及最高人民檢察院於嗣後陸續發布之司法解釋,亦不斷對修訂後之環境保護法所規定之環境公益訴訟制度實務進行補充。 然而,縱有前述立法與司法解釋,訴訟實務上對於原告之適格性及範圍仍有爭議。與傳統私益訴訟嚴格限制原告所受損害之利益,必須與環境侵害行為與結果間有利害關係之概念不同,環境公益訴訟係對侵害屬於公共財產之自然環境之危害行為,允許原告以主張環境公共利益為目的提起訴訟,故原告資格的確立,對環境公益訴訟來說,是首要釐清之問題。 本論文透過對環境權、國際歐美與中國環境公益訴訟制度立法之相關文獻回顧,分析環境公益訴訟制度之內涵、中國環境公益訴訟制度之特點,最後再以美國環境公民訴訟制度為基礎,與中國環境公益訴訟制度比較分析。 本論文結論認為,中國之環境公益訴訟對得提訴訟之社會組織,其條件設定過於嚴苛,應適當修法放寬條件限制;允許檢察機關以原告身分提起環境公益訴訟,應釐清其在公益訴訟中之角色定位,以避免有擴張其權力之情形,有違訴訟武器平等原則;另外宜將公民納入原告適格之範圍,以利進一步實現環境公眾參與原則。 The Environmental Protection Law of the People`s Republic of China has been amended and promulgated in 2014, not only enhancing the supervision and management functions of the government agencies, increasing the responsibility for violating environmental protection laws, but also incorporates the Sustainable Development and Public Participation principles for environmental protection into the norms. It can be seen that the environmental protection concept of China is gradually matching the international environmental principles. The environmental public interest litigation is part of the realization of the Public Participation Principle, also be established in the Environmental Protection Law (2014 Amendment), which was the first time be included in the environmental legislation in China. Comparing with the public interest litigation regulations in China’s Civil Procedure Law (2012 Amendment), the Environmental Protection Law (2014 Amendment) further clarified the standing to be parties and the scopes of suing for environmental public interest. In addition, the practices of the established environmental public interest litigation have also continuously supplemented by the judicial interpretations issued by the Supreme People’s Court and Supreme People`s Procuratorate of China. However, despite the aforementioned legislative and judicial interpretations, there are still disputes over the standing to be parties and the scopes of suing in practices. The environmental public interest litigation is a protection procedure for the environment as a public property from the harm, allowing the suitor to bring the lawsuit for the purpose of the environmental public interests, is different from the individual interest litigation, which strictly limits the infringed interest of the suitor must result from the defendant`s infringement. Thus, the standing and scopes of the suitor are the first issues may be discussed for environmental public interest litigation. This thesis analyzes the connotation and the characteristics of the environmental public interest litigation, through a review of the relevant literature on environmental rights, environmental public interest litigation in international, European, American and China. Additionally, this thesis also made a comparative analysis for the environmental public interest litigation in China on the Citizen Suits of American basis. This thesis concludes that, the conditions for limiting the standing of social organizations in China`s environmental public interest litigation are excessively strict and suggested to loosen the restrictions. To avoid the violation of the Principle of a Fair Trial, the role and functions of the prosecutor and suitor in public shall be clarified when allowing the prosecutors to involved in the environmental public interest as the suitor. Furthermore, to welly realize the Environmental Public Participation Principle, the citizens shall be included in the scope of owning the standing of the suitor in the environmental public interest litigation. |
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