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    Title: 以比較法觀點論私部門吹哨者保護與通報機制之建構
    Whistleblower Protection and Internal Reporting Mechanisms in Private Sectors: A Comparative Law Perspective
    Authors: 陳芊妤
    Chen, Chien-Yu
    Contributors: 劉連煜
    Liu, Len-Yu
    Chen, Chien-Yu
    Keywords: 吹哨者保護
    Whistleblower Protection
    Anti-Retaliation Provisions
    Internal Reporting Mechanisms
    Whistleblowing Incentives
    Whistleblower Bounty Program
    Corporate Fraud
    Corporate Governance
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:11:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業舞弊事件頻繁發生反映出公司治理缺失與內部控制失靈等嚴重問題,透過吹哨者揭發不法既普遍作為偵測潛在舞弊行為之方式,應得有效遏止與減輕其造成的危害。一般而言,吹哨制度須涵蓋企業內部通報機制與吹哨者保護,因通報途徑若不受吹哨者信賴或缺乏保障措施,於揭弊風險過高而誘因不足時,將難以促進通報機制之利用,且當企業無視通報案件或阻撓員工對外吹哨,亦無從發揮示警效果。
    As the prevalence of fraud in companies reflects the failure of corporate governance and internal control, whistleblowing could be regarded as an effective way to detect malfeasance, to prevent or mitigate damages arising from the violation. Generally, internal reporting mechanisms and protection provisions are both essential for a whistleblower policy, in order to gain the trust of potential whistleblowers and decrease the fear of retaliation. If the risks of whistleblowing outweigh the benefits, it will be difficult to stimulate the use of reporting systems and function as an early warning system without strong incentives, especially when the concerns have been ignored or impeded by employers.
    Given the continuing lack of effective and comprehensive whistleblower protection laws in Taiwan, it revealed the urgent need of legislation that whistleblowers should have access to legal remedies and immunity from liability. This paper focuses on the confidentiality of the whistleblower`s identity, anti-retaliation protection, anonymous whistleblowing, and the exemption from liability, while primarily analyzing elements of whistleblowing laws enacted in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, to minimize the risks of whistleblowing. In addition, the scope of protected disclosures, reporting procedures and the requirements should be examined from a perspective of striking the balance between the competing interests of whistleblowers and corporates. Providing financial incentives to whistleblowers who report cases of possible securities law violations, such as the bounty program established by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, might also be taken into consideration for the purpose of encouraging employees to speak up.
    Despite the fact that establishing internal reporting mechanisms has not been a legal obligation for most businesses under the current regime, such mechanisms enable staff to speak up about unethical or illegal conduct, fostering a corporate culture of trust and responsiveness; these are necessarily applicable to public companies. This paper intends to explore the issue based on the independent receivers, confidentiality, and the procedure for dealing with concerns. In conclusion, operational efficiency of such mechanisms would be improved owing to the critical factors of reporting systems learned from international experiences, and consequently enhance corporate governance through a supportive environment for whistleblowers.
    Reference: 中文資料



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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106651006
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100110
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