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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/133846
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    Title: 區塊鏈數位創作平台之採用因素與創新通路策略決策之研究:以社交媒體貼圖為例
    The Research of Adoption Factors of Blockchain Digital Creativity Platform and Decision of Innovative Channel Policy: Using Social Media Sticker as an Example
    Authors: 林湘霖
    Lin, Shiang-Lin
    Contributors: 楊亨利
    Yang, Heng-Li
    Lin, Shiang-Lin
    Keywords: 模糊分析層級程序法
    Sales channel strategy
    Digital creation
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:00:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 身處資訊與通信科技發達的數位時代,各行各業免不了須經歷數位化的洗禮,文化創意產業亦不例外,數位創作打破了過去透過視覺或聽覺來感受與欣賞實體創作的體驗,也開闢了數位內容產業這一全新的產業型態。而在眾多數位創作類型中,因行動社群及社交服務而嶄露頭角的貼圖,可謂是消費者最頻繁使用,甚至是每天都有機會接觸到的一種數位創作。
    Being in the digital era characterized by highly developed information and communication technologies, it is inevitable for all walks of life to experience the digital immersion. This is the same for the cultural creative industry. Digital creation not only breaks through the past experiences of people in feeling or enjoying the physical creation visually or auditorily, but also opens up the completely new digital content industry. Among a variety of types of digital creations, stickers, which emerged thanks to the mobile community and social service, are mostly frequently used by the consumers. Some consumers would even use this type of digital creation everyday.
    For the digital creators, the management mode of the current sticker platforms in the market is relatively closed. Besides, a lot of information related to the transactions and profit sharing are completely dominated by the sticker platform operators, while the creators have no way of knowing them. Meanwhile, another problem that needs to be solved is what the creators can do to exactly ensure and maintain their ownership of the created stickers and to authorize the use of their stickers reasonably and legally. To improve the above problems, more and more blockchain platforms have been introduced into the market recently in response to the characteristics of the digital content industry. Since the blockchain technologies provide some characteristics, including decentralization, anti-counterfeiting, traceability of transactions, transparency of information, and anonymity, they are particularly suitable for use in the sticker industry that has closed information, asymmetric information and excessive participants and intermediary roles.
    In this research, a fictional “logic framework of blockchain digital creativity platform” is proposed and, by using the sticker industry as an example, two parts of the research are further planned. In the first part of the research, the research objective is to analyze the “consideration elements” of the creators in the adoption of a blockchain sticker platform. Then, an expert interview questionnaire is conducted, and FAHP is used to analyze the consideration elements the creators think important in considering the adoption of the blockchain stacker platform. In the second part of the research, four groups of innovative sales channel policies for stickers are conceived based on the sticker operation modes that are possibly derived under the fictional logical framework of blockchain digital creativity platform used in this research; and the research objective of the second part of the research is to discuss the creators’ “decision on innovative sales channel policy for stickers”. Thereafter, multiple rounds of expert interview are conducted, and a hybrid MCDM that combines DEMATEL, FANP and TOPSIS is applied to analyze the ranking of the four groups of sticker sales channel policies under each of the evaluation criteria, so as to find out the best channel policy for the creators.
    The results from this research indicate that the sticker creators think “create opportunities for cross-business cooperation”, “increase sales channel substitution”, “reduce intermediate cost”, “real-time profit sharing” and “autonomous contracting” are the top five important consideration factors in their adoption of the blockchain digital creativity platform. And, the results from the analysis of the creators’ decision on sales channel policy for stickers indicate that “upgrade sticker sales profit”, “upgrade sticker sales volume”, “upgrade brand market share”, “select superior middleman” and “upgrade sticker brand awareness” are the top five important evaluation criteria. In addition, the analysis results also indicate that “sticker exclusive agency” is the sticker sales channel policy most suitable for the “senior” creators, while “sticker multi-level agency” is the sticker sales channel policy most suitable for the “junior” sticker creators.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102356505
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100093
    Appears in Collections:[資訊管理學系] 學位論文

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