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    Title: 科技賦能:新加坡樟宜機場以資訊科技創造服務新能力
    Enabling Technology: Information Technology Enabled Service Capabilities in Singapore Changi Airport
    Authors: 黃品傑
    Huang, Pin-Chieh
    Contributors: 蕭瑞麟
    Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
    Huang, Pin-Chieh
    Keywords: 服務設計
    Service design
    Technology enablement
    Organizational transformation
    Organizing practices
    Service innovation
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-01-04 11:30:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 數位轉型似乎就等同以科技將流程自動化進而促成組織轉型,科技賦能的議題更顯重要。 常見作法是以科技賦予服務功能,或是轉換組織性能。目前研究鮮少討論分析科技所內 嵌的作為及所可能賦予組織的新能力。有鑑於此,本研究分析樟宜機場來探索科技賦能。 樟宜機場連續獲得 Skytrax 八年評鑑服務第一名,其服務設計不單是收集旅客痛點,更 蘊含科技賦能的嶄新做法,為旅客帶來愉悅的體驗,展現數位轉型的過程,更成為各機 場的標竿。本研究將分析樟宜機場的服務創新,理解導入科技背後所縝密規劃的組織作 為,以科技令組織獲得新能力。觀念上,本研究指出,科技變革需與服務設計並行,關 鍵在以服務思維注入科技應用,使得組織轉換其作為,且獲取新能力。實務上,本文點 出,數位轉型不應限於功能,更要反思何以由功能產品過渡到服務場景,以科技去育成 組織的特定能力,促成領域價值的整合,隨之轉變商業運行邏輯。最終,數位轉型的關 鍵是在於科技是否在服務思維的引導下,賦予組織新的能量,去承擔與時俱增的挑戰。
    Digital transformation merely includes process automation so as to facilitate organizational transformation. In this context, technology enablement becomes an important issue. Current practices attempt to employ technology to enable service functions or transform organizational characteristics. Present research seldomly examines mode of organizing embedded in technology and how it enables new capabilities for organizations. For this reason, this research analyzes the case of Changi Airport to explore the issue of technology enablement. Skytrax has awarded Changi Airport of Service Excellence for eight consecutive years. Changi’s service design deals not only with passengers’ painpoints, but also new ways of technology enablement that creates pleasant experience for passengers. It demonstrates effective digital transformation process and becomes a service benchmark for many airports. This study investigates Changi Airport’s service innovation in order to understand the intricate formation of organizing practices behind technology implementation, which enables new capabilities within organizations. Conceptually, this research indicates that technology enabled change need to be integrated with service design. The key is to imbue service thinking into technology application so as to transfer its ways of organizing while acquiring new capabilities. Practically, this thesis points out, digital transformation should not be limited to technical functions. It should transit from product functions to service scenarios, deploy technology to nurture organization specific capabilities, facilitate domain value integration, and subsequently transform the operating logic of a business. Eventually, effective digital transformation should be guided by service lens, thereby strengthening organizational capabilities so as to shoulder expanding challenges.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107364127
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001804
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