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    Title: 中日在東南亞之間進行基礎設施投資的“新大競爭”: 過渡國際秩序的英國學派分析
    A ‘New Great Game’ of Infrastructure Investment between China and Japan in Southeast Asia: An English School Analysis
    Authors: 李嘉和
    Lee, Andrew
    Contributors: 姜家雄
    Chiang, Chia-Hsiung
    Lee, Andrew
    Keywords: 中國
    Belt and Road Initiative
    English School
    Infrastructure Investment
    Southeast Asia
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-01-04 11:30:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著中國的崛起,對於中國在亞洲乃至世界範圍內的影響力,有許多悲觀的批評家。即使美國在該地區的影響力和全球領導力明顯下降,日本也需要對中國應該不僅在該地區而且在世界秩序中占主導地位之前應採取的行動作出迅速有效的反應。儘管日本仍被認為是亞洲的經濟大國,但無論從軍事上還是從經濟上來說,中國都比日本強大。日本將如何應對中國的影響力擴大?本文旨在分析中日之間的持續關係,因為隨著基礎設施投資已成為必不可少的因素,競技場似乎正在從西方主導的國際秩序轉移過渡秩序。本文試圖闡明兩個亞洲大國在東南亞地區投資基礎設施建設時的相互作用。因此,隨著國際秩序從西方主導的自由國際秩序向更加平衡的國際秩序的過渡,中日關係導致了一種不同的方法,並進入了新的“平衡”競爭與合作階段。確保國際社會的和平與穩定?
    With China’s rise, there are multiple pessimistic critics on China’s influence in Asia and even around the world. Even with the apparent decline of the U.S. influence in the region and of the global leadership, Japan needs to respond efficiently and quickly on what it should do before China could dominate not only the region but of the world order. Though Japan is still considered an economic giant in Asia, China is even stronger than Japan, both militarily and economically. How would Japan respond to China’s expansion of influence? This thesis is intended to analyze the ongoing relationship between China and Japan as the arena seems to shift a transitional order from the Western-led international order as infrastructure investment has become an essential factor. This thesis seeks to clarify the interaction between the two indigenous Asian great powers as they invest in infrastructure development in Southeast Asia. Therefore, with the transition of the international order from the Western-led liberal international order to a more balanced international order, is the relationship between China and Japan leading to a different approach with a new stage of a ‘balanced’ competition and cooperation to secure the peace and stability of the international society?
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