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    题名: 國軍創新後勤政策形成研究-以服裝供售站政策為例
    The Military Innovative Logistics Policy Formation - A Case Study of Uniform Supply Station Policy
    作者: 方君豪
    Fang, Jun-Hao
    贡献者: 黃東益
    Fang, Jun-Hao
    关键词: 國防組織
    Military organization
    Policy problem analysis
    Issue construction
    Policy formulation
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2021-01-04 11:24:47 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 國軍服裝供售站政策」自104年11月起由國防部針對服裝政策興革為主軸,為改善過去國軍年度服裝原有補給政策的「定時」、「定項」及「定量」作法,所導致產生缺乏彈性、供未所需及品質不佳等長期實施上的問題。然而本項各級迫不急待推出的新興政策,卻時隔三年後才政策執行。如何能有效歸納政策問題分析與議題建構、政策形成模式及創新政策影響因素,以期在未來新興政策形成能有效協助聚焦,減少重工的時間浪擲,更可以提升工作管制的效率,此為實務上的研究目的;其次檢視涉及國防事務相關學術文章,多屬於政策可行性分析或是後續影響分析,未有類似發展歷程研究,是否有可持續精進或修正改善以為應用,此為學術上的研究目的。另外透過本次發展模式策頒的政策,是否實際解決原有問題而滿足官兵需求,則為本研究極欲探求要項。
    The "military uniform supply station policy" has been developed by the Ministry of National Defense since November 2015 to improve the long-term logistics problem of lacking flexibility, efficiency, and quality, which is the previous military annual clothing supply policy of "fixed supply frequency," "fixed supply item" and " fixed supply quantity. " However, the above new policy, which was urgently requirement at all levels, was implemented after a delay of three years. Therefore, how to effectively summarize the influencing factors of policy problem analysis, topic construction, policy formation model, and innovative policy, effectively help focus, reduce time-wasting, and improve the efficiency of work control regarding emerging policy formation in the future practical research purpose. Secondly, based on academic articles related to national defense affairs, most are policy feasibility analysis or follow-up impact analysis. There is a rare issue about development history study, and whether there is sustainable refinement or modification for application, which is the academic research purpose. Besides, whether the policies issued through this development model can solve the original problems and meet the officers` and men`s needs is the critical issue that this study wants to explore.
    The research focuses on the "military uniform supply station policy" formulation process and adopts the in-depth interview of the qualitative research method and secondary data analysis. Furthermore, this study thoroughly analyzes the policy formulation model and the process by interviewing the professional experts of this case decision-makers and experienced experts and reviewing every data regarding policy seminars, policy planning reports, and legislative issues.
    The research results indicate that the development of national defense policy does not have a specific pattern, which will change with the issue`s complexity. Moreover, there is no shadow of participatory governance in the whole process of development and discussion, and special attention should be paid to the involvement of political forces in the formulation process. The integration of all critical points can accelerate the efficiency of emerging policies and improve the possibility of policy implementation.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107921202
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001836
    显示于类别:[行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文


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