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Title: | 電子產業採購風險管理評估指標之研究 A Study of the Electronics Industries Purchasing Risk Management Assessment Indicator |
Authors: | 沈椿喜 Shen, Chun-Hsi |
Contributors: | 張士傑 沈椿喜 Shen, Chun-Hsi |
Keywords: | 電子產業 風險管理 風險評估指標 層級分析法 Electronics Industry Risk Management Risk Assessment Indicator AHP |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2021-01-04 10:49:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 電子產業面臨整體產業環境千變萬化之際,企業與供應商再進行採購行為時,會因為資訊扭曲、資訊不對稱、市場不確定性以及其它法律、政治、經濟、大自然劇變等因素的變化,而導致各種無法預測的採購風險。因此本研究主要目的是針對電子產業採購風險類別之因素,利用AHP層級分析法發展建立採購風險評估指標,其研究成果提供電子產業之採購風險衡量參考依據。 本研究透過相關文獻歸納出電子產業採購風險管理評估指標六大構面(服務、財務、品質、交期、技術、組織關係)及四十個分項指標,並透過層級分析法計算出六大構面和四十個分項指標之權重,建構電子產業採購風險管理評估指標。本研究結果顯示,在四十項評估指標中以「供貨廠商問題解決能力」為電子產業採購風險管理最重要評估指標,其次則是「短時間建構新產品設計及開發的能力」和「持續改善能力」,因此電子廠採購部門可以將「供貨廠商問題解決能力」、「短時間建構新產品設計及開發的能力」和「持續改善能力」作為電子廠採購部門未來在進行供貨廠商的採購風險管理評估之參考依據。 In the changing environments of electronics industry, companies and suppliers could meet unexpected procurement risks due to information distortion, information asymmetry, market uncertainty, and other dramatic changes in legislation, politics, economics, and nature. The study thus aims at the discussion of the procurement risk factor in electronical industry and attempt to build assessment indicators by using AHP analysis, and the outcome can be the reference for electronics industry. By extracting 6 structures (service, finance, quality, delivery, technology, organizational relationship) and 40 sub-index indicators from relevant research, and then weighing through AHP analysis, procurement risk management evaluation indicators in electronics industry is structured. The results demonstrate that within the 40 sub-index indicators, “the competence of problem solving of supplier” is the most critical indicator, then are “the competence of new product design and development in short time” and “the competence of continuous improvement.” Therefore, the department of procurement in electronics factories can utilize these three factors to manage the risks of procurement of supplier. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 107932119 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107932119 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001841 |
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