Abstract: | 中國大陸劇近年來席捲馬來西亞影視市場,主導著馬來西亞華裔觀眾的 收視習慣。尤其,古裝歷史劇,非常深受華裔年輕人喜愛,討論度高。本研 究以網絡問卷調查法,以使用與滿足理論及文化接近性觀點,探討 18 到 39 歲的馬來西亞華裔年輕閱聽人其收看動機、收看滿足程度及其文化價值觀認 同為何。研究結果得知,馬來西亞華裔年輕人收看大陸古裝歷史劇主要動機 為「娛樂消遣動機」。而且,收看動機對其收看滿足具有顯著正相關。研究 也發現,馬來西亞年輕華裔閱聽眾最認同中國大陸古裝歷史劇的文化價值觀 是『孝順上進』,其次是『人情義理』,呼應了文化接近性理論,所提到的 語言與宗教文化相似性,會影響媒體內容是否為觀眾所接受的因素。最後, 本研究依據研究結果提出建議,作為未來欲在馬來西亞拓展影視市場的影視 及學術單位一個重要的參考面向。 China Mainland’s drama has become more popular in Malaysia’s film and television market during these few years, leading the viewing habits of Malaysian Chinese audiences, especially China Mainland’s historical costume drama is very popular among Malaysian Chinese youth audiences. This research was conducted a questionnaire survey in order to explore the motivations and gratifications of watching China Mainland’s historical costume drama among Malaysian Chinese audiences aged 18 to 39 by perspectives of Use and Gratifications Theory and Cultural Proximity. The results showed that the main motivation of watching China Mainland’s historical costume drama among Malaysian Chinese youth audiences is “amusement”. Moreover, the Malaysian Chinese youth audience watching motivation gets positive relationship with watching satisfaction. Besides, the “filial and ambition” and “duty and humanity” are the acceptable cultural values by Malaysian Chinese youth audiences which mentioned in cultural proximity theory which indicate that language preferences and religion play a powerful role in determining audience behavior. Finally, suggestions were put forward based in the findings as a reference for TV programs production and the media industries and future academic studies. |