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    Title: 探討工業物聯網平台生態系的共創價值-以S公司為例
    Value co-creation in Industrial IoT platform ecosystem - A Case Study of “S” Company
    Authors: 程筱晴
    Cheng, Hsiao-Ching
    Contributors: 黃國峯

    Cheng, Hsiao-Ching
    Keywords: 平台策略
    Platform strategy
    Platform ecosystem
    Co-creating value
    Industrial IoT platform
    Industrial IoT
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-12-01 15:04:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來科技的變遷大大影響了產業的發展,物聯網更成為產業轉型的契機,
    其中的技術更成為各產業研究的重點,而自從工業 4.0 的概念提出後,物聯網也被應用在工業領域內,使工業物聯網成為企業發展的重點項目。而近期平台商業模式興起,從 Google、Amazon、facebook 到 netflix 等皆運用到平台策略,而以上提到的企業較多屬於消費型物聯網產業,針對工業物聯網平台供應商的研究較少,因此本研究選定工業物聯網的平台供應商,並採個案研究的方式探討單一企業,而近期生態系的概念也被企業重視,講究的是企業之間如何互利共榮,共同創造雙贏局面。而文獻探討也發現,生態系的組成是由「很多個平台」進行跨領域的交流,互相利益交換,形成「互補」的價值絡,系統內部的各成員可以透過平台當中間媒介,透過「互動」共同創造價值。

    因此本研究選定工業物聯網的平台供應商,並採個案研究的方式,以共創價值的觀點來研究其創造的平台能創造出什麼樣的價值。其中運用到價值共創的三步驟: 串聯問題、串聯資源、串聯平台,並研究其生態系各成員創造出的值,或是互補的資源如何搭配,並且討論由此工業製造商帶領整個平台生態圈創造出的價值,驗證其生態系內的價值可以透過平台的互動關係,與其他成員流,從單向的利益關係,變成生態系內成員個別利益的加總,成為共創值,並也顯示各家物聯網廠商以合作互利的方式創造生態系共榮為未來的趨勢。
    In recent years, the new technologies have been greatly affected the development of industries. The Internet of Things has become an opportunity for industrial transformation, and the technology has become the focus of research in various industries. Since Industry 4.0 hit the world the Internet of Things has been applied in the industrial field which made digital transformation become a key project in the industrial field. Moreover, the recent rise of platform business models, from Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Netflix all used platform strategies. Since the papers and studies related to platform strategies are mostly consumer IoT industries, there are a few researches on industrial IoT platform suppliers. This research focus on the platform suppliers of the Industrial Internet of Things, and adopts a case study method to study the value that the platform created from the viewpoint of co-creating value.

    The three steps of value co-creation are used: connecting problems, connecting resources, connecting platforms. The study will discuss the value created by each member of the ecosystem, or how to match complementary resources, also discuss how industrial manufacturers lead the entire platform ecology. The value created verifies that the value in the ecosystem can be communicated with other members through the interactive relationship of the platform, from a one-way relationship to the sum of the individual interests of the members in the ecosystem then become a co-created value. It also shows that it is a future trend for various IoT vendors to cooperate and mutually benefit to create an ecosystem for common prosperity.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363041
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001802
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