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    Title: 以訊息即時性為基礎之車載網路傳輸協定
    Age-of-Information based transmission protocol in VANET
    Authors: 黃中諺
    Huang, Chung-Yen
    Contributors: 張宏慶
    Jang, Hung-Chin
    Huang, Chung-Yen
    Keywords: 車載網路
    Vehicles network
    Beacon message
    Intelligent transport system
    Transmission protocol
    Network simulation
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-11-03 11:28:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著智慧城市(smart city)的發展,車載網路與智慧型運輸系統(Intelligent Transport systems,ITS)的發展益發蓬勃,若能從車載網路蒐集車輛的行車資訊,集中至智慧城市的系統中,則能藉由了解區域內車輛的行駛狀況,即時調整交通控制的設施,達到改善交通或增進行車安全的目的。即使在缺乏智慧城市設施的郊區,車載網路仍然可以增進行車安全,譬如在轉彎的死角,無論是駕駛者或車輛上裝設的感測器皆無法發現轉彎處是否有其他汽車,但是車載網路能讓車輛得知其他車輛的行車資訊,讓車輛或駕駛事先知道可能的危險,達到增進行車安全的目的。本研究以WAVE/DSRC (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments,車用環境無線擷取;Dedicated Short-Range Communications,專用短距通訊)為基礎。在IEEE 802.11p 及 IEEE 1609標準中,車輛在移動狀態下,車上設備(On Board Unit,OBU)與路側單元(Roadside Unit,RSU)藉由5.9GHz (5.85~5.925GHZ)微波頻段傳輸資料,建立車間通訊(Vehicle to Vehicle,V2V)及車對設施(Vehicle to Infrastructure,V2I)的短程通訊。本研究討論信標訊息(beacon message)在車載網路傳輸的即時性。信標訊息是車載網路溝通傳輸的基本訊息,包含各種安全訊息,如行車方向、行車速度與所在位置等。本研究引入訊息即時性(Age-of-Information,AoI)此一新興的數據指標來反應訊息的即時性。AoI定義為訊息經發送端取樣後至接收端收到訊息所經過的時間,用以描述訊息自取樣後至觀察者/接收端實際花費的時間。本研究提出中心化的AoI-based protocol與分散式的AoI-based protocol,並使用Random-Walk與SUMO模擬行車動態,再搭配多個RSU設置情境來模擬各種車載網路,最後以模擬實驗驗證本研究所提出之AoI-based protocol的效能。
    With the development of smart cities, the development of vehicle networks and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is booming. If the driving information of vehicles can be collected from the vehicle network, and then forwarded to the smart city traffic control system, the driving conditions of the vehicles in the area can be under control, and the traffic control facilities can be adjusted in real-time, thereby achieving the goal of improving traffic and increasing driving safety. Even in the suburbs that lack smart city facilities, the vehicle network can increase vehicle safety by the vehicular networks. For example, in the turning corners, neither the driver nor the sensors installed on the vehicle can detect other vehicles at the corner. However, the vehicular network lets vehicles know the driving information of other vehicles, let the vehicles or drivers know whether there is danger, and thus achieve the purpose of increasing vehicle safety. The communication of this study is based on WAVE / DSRC (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments / Dedicated Short-Range Communications). In the IEEE 802.11p and IEEE 1609 standards, when the vehicle is moving, the on-board unit (OBU) and roadside unit (RSU) use the 5.9GHz (5.85 ~ 5.925GHZ) microwave frequency band to transmit data and establish vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) short-range communications. This study discusses the timeliness of the transmission of beacon messages on the vehicular network. Beacon messages are the basic messages communicated by the vehicle network and contain various safety messages, such as driving directions, speed, and location. We use an emerging network metric, Age-of-Information (AoI), to reflect the timeliness of messages. This study proposes a centralized AoI-based protocol and a decentralized AoI-based protocol and uses Random-Walk and SUMO to simulate driving dynamics. We use multiple RSU scenarios to simulate various vehicle networks and verify the performance of the proposed protocols.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106753022
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001752
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Computer Science ] Theses

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