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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/132077

    Title: 外部援助、文化轉譯與傳統制度:莫拉克災後屏東禮納里部落重建經驗
    External Aids, Cultural Mediation, and Indigenous Institutions: Post-Disaster Reconstruction Experience of Rinari Tribe after Typhoon Morakot
    Authors: 黃詩涵
    Huang, Shih-Han
    Contributors: 湯京平
    Tang, Ching-Ping
    Huang, Shih-Han
    Keywords: 外部援助
    External Aid
    Cultural Mediation
    Indigenous Institutions
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-10-05 15:18:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 為什麼那些具備善意的外援性災後重建方案,經常面臨失敗的結果,尤其涉及跨文化的援助工作,可能讓原住民的「脆弱性」面臨更加惡化的問題?類似錯誤迄今仍不斷地在世界各地發生,臺灣也不例外。由於災難治理分為備災、救援、恢復與減災四個階段,其中救援與恢復最需要政府採取立即的應變措施,以指揮控制途徑執行由上而下的干預措施,迅速動員各方資源共同加入災後重建的工作,尤其依賴非政府組織的參與,導致政府官員、技術官僚或外部專家對於以現代化的方式執行災後重建工作具有共識:他們相信西方發展是災後重建最容易達到的捷徑,卻忽略被重建者獨特的在地文化與傳統制度特徵,造成重建者與被重建者在進行災後重建的互動中,與在地需求產生重大落差。而這樣的落差可以透過什麼樣的方式處理,讓重建者與被重建者在災後重建的供應與需求能夠被共同理解,不再只是對彼此的不滿與抱怨,而是匯集一起才有辦法提高災後重建的效果,透過屏東禮納里部落案例的呈現,相信可以帶給我們一些省思與啟發。
    It is noteworthy that the many post-disaster reconstruction projects, though in good intention, led to unsatisfactory results. It was especially the case when the external aids were transferred to indigenous peoples with substantial cultural difference. Given the facts that indigenous communities often locate in geologically sensitive places and thus be more vulnerable to natural disasters and that reconstruction demands multiple resources, closing the cultural gap is essential to improve the governing performance. By examining the successful case of the Rinari Tribe of Pingtung, Taiwan, this dissertation demonstrates the vital role of “cultural mediators” by non-profit organizations in the tribe-rebuilding process. The mediators not only translate the value system and preference of the beneficiaries to the donators but also help the indigenous peoples to better integrate into the greater social and economic systems in the community-rebuilding process. This research offers insights on disaster relief politics and provides essential policy guidance for external engagement in the disaster governance in the context with great cultural diversity.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099261501
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001723
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