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    Title: 非營利組織運用社群媒體之社會行銷研究:以澳門推動青年公民參與策略為例
    A Research on the use of social media by non-profit organizations in social marketing: Take the strategy of promoting Macao youth civic engagement as an example
    Authors: 吳麗婷
    Ng, Lai-Teng
    Contributors: 黃葳威
    Ng, Lai-Teng
    Keywords: 社會行銷
    social marketing
    non-profit organizations
    social media
    civic engagement
    Macao organizations
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 13:20:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Kotler與Levy認為行銷可以使用在非營利組織的工作上,提出 「行銷概念的擴大化」,及後Kotler與Zaltman正式提出「使用行銷原則與技術推進社會事業、理想與行爲」的「社會行銷」的概念,成為了非營利組織進行宣導理念、改變人們行為及持續發展的必須具備的功能。
    本研究選擇澳門中華學生聯合總會、新澳門學社以及澳門新中華青年協會為本研究之主體,透過深度訪談、社群媒體觀察探討他們推動青年公民參與的過程,並以Kotler 及其他學者提出的社會行銷策略進行分析,了解他們的社會行銷策略執行情況、面對問題及解決方式。
    After Kotler and Levy proposed " Broaden the Concept of Marketing ", Kotler and Zaltman formally proposed "social marketing" which uses marketing principles and technologies to promote social undertakings. This concept has become a function for non-profit organizations to promote ideas, change people`s behavior, and develop sustainably.
    Macao non-profit organizations have flourished since the Portuguese colonial period. Until now, a certain number of organizations have been established each year. In the past, organizations shared the power to govern Macao with the colonial government. However, after Macau`s Return to China, the SAR government tried to transform into a service-oriented government, so non-profit organizations must also think about how to avoid overlapping services and make up for deficiencies. From the Portuguese colonial period, "political coldness" has always enveloped Macau, and schools and families cannot promote civic engagement.
    Civic engagement is important to develop a democratic society. Some non-profit organizations consider this as their mission to organize citizen forums or training programs, or try to discuss and mobilize on social media, they increase public awareness through online and offline methods.
    In this study, General Association of Chinese Students of Macao, New Macau Association and Macao New China Youth Association were the main subjects of the study. Through in-depth interviews and social media observations, this study explored their process of promoting the youth’s civic engagement, understand their social marketing strategy implementation, facing problems and solutions.
    The conclusion of this study after analysis: Most non-profit organizations promote political part of civic engagement. The effectiveness of social marketing is affected by the involvement of youth in social issues, the relationship between organization, government and school. Social media usage established two different civic engagement training mechanisms, and increase the effectiveness of youth. And the organizations lack quantitative goals and a review of civic activities.
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