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Title: | 品牌個性一致性與物質傾向對於消費者之影響-以豪華汽車品牌為例 The Effects of Self-Brand Personality Congruence and Materialism on Consumer Behavior: An Example of Luxury Car Brands |
Authors: | 趙冠群 Chao, Guan-Cyun |
Contributors: | 林芝璇 Lin, Jhih-Syuan 趙冠群 Chao, Guan-Cyun |
Keywords: | 品牌個性一致性 物質傾向 品牌態度 購買意圖 社群互動意圖 豪華汽車品牌 Luxury Car Brands Self-Brand Personality Congruence Materialism Brand Attitudes Behavioral Intentions Social Media |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-09-02 13:19:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 全球奢侈品市場自金融海嘯後開始快速復甦,這樣的現象同時帶動了學界對奢侈品的關注,學者認為奢侈品背後的象徵意義使品牌獨特,使得奢侈品研究多以品牌個性為發展核心,另一方面,由於物質傾向者被認為是奢侈品的主要追求族群之一,故在研究以奢侈品為背景之消費者品牌態度時,物質傾向是一個重要的衡量依據。近年又因為社群網路平台的使用人口快速攀升,社群網路平台作為高接近性、高效益、高普及率及低門檻的溝通渠道,被廣泛用來作為奢侈品行銷的主要工具,奢侈品牌行銷人員要如何在這樣子的背景之下,在眾多品牌中獲得持續穩定的行銷績效,是行銷人員經營社群網路平台的重要指引方針。 然而,過往奢侈品研究脈絡主要以時尚產品背景,豪華汽車品牌尚未得到充分論述,因此,本研究以豪華汽車品牌Bentley汽車及Volvo汽車為研究背景,根據品牌個性一致性理論和物質傾向理論,探討消費者自我概念與豪華汽車品牌個性之間的一致性與物質傾向如何影響品牌態度,物質傾向與品牌態度如何影響消費者購買意圖與社群互動意圖,並比較品牌個性一致性與物質傾向對消費者品牌態度的影響。 本研究採用網路問卷調查法,將問卷連結分享於Facebook Bentley汽車及Volvo汽車社團與PTT汽車版等平台進行資料收集,有效樣本共計721份,採取分層迴歸分析(Hierarchical Regression Analysis)檢驗本研究模型與Hayes(2017)之SPSS巨集PROCESS模型4進行後設分析。研究結果發現,品牌個性一致性與物質傾向分別對品牌態度產生正向影響;品牌態度與物質傾向分別對購買意圖與社群互動意圖產生正向影響;當進一步比較品牌個性一致性與物質傾向對品牌態度影響時,只有物質傾向顯著影響品牌態度。本研究之後設分析結果進一步證實,Bentley汽車組物質傾向透過品牌態度,對購買意圖及社群互動意圖產生影響。綜合上述研究結果,本研究提出學術與實務建議,在豪華汽車品牌的背景下,物質主義比品牌個性一致性對於品牌態度影響更顯著,而品牌態度又為物質傾向對於購買意圖及社群互動意圖的影響提供中介效果,可供奢侈品研究學者與豪華汽車品牌行銷人員參考。 The global luxury goods market has recovered quickly since the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2009. This phenomenon has led to researchers’ attention to the study of luxury goods. On the one hand, prior research has examined the effects of symbolic meanings of luxury goods through the lens of brand personality and self-brand congruence. On the other hand, some emipirical findings suggest that materialism is an important psychological drive of consusmers’ luxury consumption. In light of that, the current reseach integrates different lines of research streams to understand the psychology behind consumer behavior in the context of luxury car brands. The objectives of this research are, therefore, threefold. First, this research investigates the effects of self-brand personality congruence and consumers’ levels of materialism on brand attitudes toward luxury car brands. Second, this research examines the effects of materialism and brand attitudes on behavioral intentions. Because the rapid increase in the use of social networking sites(SNSs)has made them an important marketing communication channel for luxury brands, both purchase intention and intention to interact with luxury brands on social media are assessed. Third, this research further compares the role that self-brand personality congruence and materialism play in determining consumer attitiudes toward luxury car brands. To that end, an online survey was conducted to understand the proposed relationships. A total of 721 responses were included for data analyses. The findings confirm the positive effects of self-brand personality congruence and materialism on brand attitudes. In addition, materialism and brand attitudes positively affect consumers’ purchase intention and intention to interact with the luxury car brand on SNSs. When comparing the influence of self-brand personality congruence and materialism on brand attitudes, materialism is the only significant factor that affects consumers’ attitude toward the luxury car brand. The mediation analyses further demonstrate that brand attitude mediates the influence of materialism on purchase intention and intention to interact with the luxury car brand on SNSs. Taken together, the findings of this research provide empirical support for the positive impact of self-brand personality congruence and materialism on brand attitudes that have been documented in the liteatrure. The findings extends the literature by showing that materialism is a more predictive factor of brand attitudes than self-brand personality congruence in the context of luxury car brands. While the mediating role of brand attitudes is exmplored, different behavioral intentions are also discussed to provide theoretical and managerial implications for scholars and marketers. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 105464056 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105464056 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001196 |
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