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    题名: 名人代言與網紅代言之訊息可信度對消費者決策行為之影響
    Message Credibility of Celebrity vs. Influencer Endorsements in the Consumer Decision-Making Process
    作者: 陳盈穎
    Chen, Ying-Yin
    贡献者: 白佩玉
    Pai, Pei-Yu
    Chen, Ying-Yin
    关键词: 名人代言
    Celebrity endorsement
    Influencer endorsement
    Message credibility
    Customer experience journey
    Consumer decision-making process
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-09-02 13:17:13 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 名人代言是品牌藉由代言者的正面形象轉移效果,激起消費者購買品牌、產品及服務的行銷手法;然而近年來網紅經濟席捲全球,越來越多品牌在選擇代言人時,不再只依循過去的做法、尋找傳統的電視紅人、明星、歌手、演員等洽談合作,而是更去尋求網路上曝光的機會,並透過網紅所經營的內容特性與長期培養之下的粉絲群眾,使品牌可以更直接地與目標客群對話。此外,不少品牌開始同時利用名人及網紅進行宣傳,因此本論文針對此一現象進行研究,希望了解名人及網紅在傳遞訊息之可信度對於消費者在購買決策上的影響。

    本研究選擇了一真實品牌案例,共進行了8場一對一深度訪談,受訪者需瀏覽特定品牌分別在明星名人代言、受贊助網紅代言、及非受贊助網紅的三則影片,研究者則針對這三種不同情境分析消費者對於訊息可信度的差異。研究結果發現:(1)比起明星名人推薦,網紅代言商品更具有訊息可信度;(2) 網紅已經幾乎涉入整個消費者購買歷程,甚至影響著最後購買決策;(3)名人代言對於品牌僅為知曉作用,並僅能稍微提升消費者興趣;(4)只要平常有建立形象良好,即使網紅是受贊助,消費者仍然願意相信;(5)沒有商業利益關係的訊息可信度最高。根據研究結果,本研究提出實務建議以提供企業作為未來選擇名人或網紅行銷方式之參考依據。
    Celebrity endorsement is a marketing method that a brand uses the positive image of the endorsers to affect the consumers to purchase brands, products and services. In recent years, the influencers came to the world and caused a huge impact to the advertising industry. While choosing an endorser, more and more brands not only follow the past practices, cooperating with traditional TV celebrities, stars, singers, actors, etc., but also turning to look for the exposure opportunity with influencers online. By releasing self-generated contents, influencers can acquire the fans who are interested in the specific topics and also maintain the long-term relationship. To cooperate with them, brands can be more easily and directly to speak to the target audiences. Many brands started to use celebrity and influencer as endorser at the same time recently. This study aims to understand the message credibility of celebrity and influencer endorsement in the consumer decision-making process.

    In this study, a brand was chosen to be the case for 8 depth-interviews. The interviewees were requested to watch 3 endorsement videos which are celebrity-endorsed, influencer-endorsed with and without sponsorship. The research aims to analyze the consumer-perceived message credibility in the three different situations. According to the result, this study suggests: (1) The extent to message credibility of influencers are higher than celebrities. (2) Influencers are highly involved in the consumer decision-making process which can even affect the buying decision. (3) The effect of the celebrity endorsement only works on the aware stage and can only increase a little interest to consumers. (4) Even though an influencer was sponsored, as long as with a good personal image, consumers will still opt in believing them and buy the endorsed product. (5) The message with no commercial intent will be most credible. It is hoped that the conclusions are useful for the companies to choose the endorsers in the future.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363082
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001574
    显示于类别:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文




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