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    Title: 差序式領導對工作敬業與組織認同之影響:主管忠誠之中介效果
    The Impact of Differential Leadership on Job Engagement and Organizational Identity: The Mediation Effect of Supervisor Loyalty
    Authors: 陳彩凌
    Chen, Tsailin
    Contributors: 林月雲
    Lin, Yeh-Yun
    Chen, Tsailin
    Keywords: 差序式領導
    Job Engagement
    Differential Leadership
    Supervisory loyalty
    Organizational Identity
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 13:16:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要目的為探討差序式領導會如何影響員工之主管忠誠、組織認同和工作敬業;且差序式領導是否能透過員工之主管忠誠進而影響其組織認同及工作敬業(中介效果)。本研究之網路問卷共計有877人造訪問卷,491人填寫問卷,351人完成填答並成功送出,因而問卷完成率約71.49%,並利用SPSS進行統計分析。研究結果顯示,差序式領導的確與員工之主管忠誠、組織認同和工作敬業有顯著的正相關;員工之主管忠誠對差序式領導和組織認同、工作敬業具有部分中介效果。本論文亦提出管理意涵和未來研究建議,以利後續研究者參考。
    The main purpose of this research is to explore 1) how differential leadership affects employees’ supervisor loyalty, organizational identity and job engagement; 2) whether supervisory loyalty meditate the relationship between differential leadership and organizational identity; 3) as well as whether supervisory loyalty mediates the relationship between differential leadership and job engagement.
      There were 877 people visit this online survey, howeveronly491 people actually answered it and 351 completed the survey, with about 71.49%validresponses. SPSS statistical software was used for statistical analysis. The research results show that differential leadership is indeed positively correlated with supervisory loyalty, organizational identityand job engagement. supervisory loyalty had partial mediating effects on the relationship between differential leadership and organizational identity; as well as the relationship between differential leadership and job engagement. In response to the results of this study, research contributions and future research suggestions are also proposed for the reference of future researchers.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001564
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