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    Title: 習近平時代地方官員的表態政治
    The statement politics of local officials in the Xi Jinping era
    Authors: 鍾孟萱
    Chung, Meng-Hsuan
    Contributors: 王信賢
    Wang, Hsin-Hsien
    Chung, Meng-Hsuan
    Keywords: 表態政治
    Political statement
    Political culture
    Informal relation
    Elite promotion
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 13:01:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「站隊表態」是中共建黨以來重要且不可或缺的政治文化,但也是中共菁英「非正式關係」中尚未成熟的研究範疇。本文作為中共表態文化的初探性研究,將以中國各省黨報作為載具,分析2017年孫政才落馬、「省部級主要領導幹部『學習習近平總書記重要講話精神,迎接黨的十九大』專題研討班開班式」、與2018年楊晶落馬三大個案發生後,中共31位省委書記對「習核心」的表態內容與表態時間,並探討表態積極性與省委書記自身晉升潛力的相關性。根據本文研究結果,本文梳理出不同情境下的表態差異,並觀察到「與習近平有私人關係」、「高前景指數」的省委書記呈現積極表態的趨向。
    Political statement has been a significant and essential political culture since the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), however, still remaining the immature research category of CCP cadres’ informal relationship. As the exploratory research of statement culture of CCP, this study aims to discuss the correlation between the initiative of statement and the potential of promotion of secretaries of a provincial party committee. In order to illustrate this argument, this study analyses the content and the time of political statement toward Xi Jinping through provincial party-owned newspapers after investigation of Sun Zhengcai in 2017, Xi Jinping’s 726 speech in 2017, and the investigation of Yang Jing in 2018. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the divergence between different cases, and indicates that the secretaries of a provincial party committee with specific personal relationship with Xi Jinping and with high Provincial Secretary Status Index tend to make proactive statement.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106260009
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001572
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